Shared from Bodybuilding ,com= What is CNS Overtraining? Many - TopicsExpress


Shared from Bodybuilding ,com= What is CNS Overtraining? Many people dont understand the difference between muscular and CNS overtraining, and this confusion can allow them to fall prey to the latter. Muscular overtraining occurs when the muscular system is not given sufficient downtime to repair broken-down tissues. For instance, if you were to work your quads intensely on Monday and then go back into the gym on Tuesday to work them, you could run the risk of overtraining. Working the same muscles incessantly can negatively impact your muscular development, but it normally impacts one muscle group specifically. On the other hand, central nervous system overtraining is a systemic issue. It doesnt just impact the quads, chest, or back, but rather the entire body. Your CNS is responsible for generating muscular contractions in all types of training, so when you stack workout upon workout, eventually it can tire out. As a result of this general fatigue, you will be weaker and slower in all of your movements. You may find you dont have the force generation capacity that you normally do, or that you are unexpectedly uncoordinated at times. What Causes CNS Overtraining? In the gym, the main culprit is a program that has too much volume, too much intensity, and too little rest. Remember: Even if youve planned your program properly to allow for enough rest between each session for a given muscle, your central nervous system is still being stimulated. However, all forms of stress can combine to tax the system beyond its capacity, from a financial crisis to a breakup. At that point, the workouts that normally sustain you may just be adding fuel to the fire and making you feel worse. If you suspect you are suffering from CNS overtraining, try to take a comprehensive look at potential contributors. So how do we tackle this problem? Simple Solutions to Combat CNS Overtraining Your CNS is a core element of who you are and how you approach your life, and preserving it requires action both inside the gym and out. Here are five ways you can save your CNS. 1/ Rework Your Workout Program A good workout program has adequate down time between sessions working a particular muscle group, but also down time between workout sessions period. The amount of time off you need is directly proportional to the intensity and volume of the program. The more work you are doing, the more rest you will need between sessions. Good programming includes periods of lower intensity and exercise variation. 2/ Sleep More Sleep is the bodys prime tool for repair, so make sure that you are getting at least eight hours each night. If you fail to do so, you wont recover as quickly from each workout session, and the next one could hit you even harder. In time, this could push you over the edge. 3/ Delegate Far too many people jam-pack their schedules, when really they should just say no to that additional task. Rather than trying to take it all on yourself, take advantage of opportunities to pass off responsibility to others. You can only do so much. If that sounds simple, its because it is. The sooner you realize this, the sooner youll be back on your way to your ideal physique.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:23:04 +0000

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