Shared my heart (this weekend) about insecurities, etc., when it - TopicsExpress


Shared my heart (this weekend) about insecurities, etc., when it comes to success considering how our definition differs from GODS greatly. HE never commanded us to be successful... GOD demands that we be faithful. So (inspite of many feelings Im fighting, etc.) Ive talked to GOD about it over the weekend, ad nauseum it seems. HE is always faithful when we quiet ourselves to simply be still in HIS presence. HOLY SPIRIT challenges me with a few questions about why I do what I do with my secondary gifts. Many disagree with the premise of primary vs. secondary but Scripture is clear: it is by the foolishness (regarding worldly wisdom in GODS eyes) of preaching that HE chooses to move upon humanitys heart to become saved. [1 Corinthians 1:21] That said, I am aware of my primary gift (teach / preach) so the challenge in me responding to HOLY SPIRITS query led me to write down my answers concerning my secondary (creative) talents. 1. I do so because YOU have empowered me. 2. I do so because YOU have entrusted me with a dispensation of the gospel to be shared with all no matter the place, time or circumstance. 3. I do so because I have been chosen to be faithful (in spite of my frailties / failures). It will never negate my call. 4. I do so because the gospel message and / or a service must be actively rendered / dispersed unto people. #4 (today) stuck more than the rest because it made me probe deeper: do I use my creativity to solicit an audience (for me) or do I administer the same as a by-product of the reasonable service GOD expects of us? Im interrupted by a message notification. A representative of Region IX Education Center (Wichita Falls) inquires about attending the film premiere but heres what gets me concerning her request. She informs me: the Region 9 Education Service Center is following an Out-of-School Youth Initiative that the state of Texas has implemented. This new law requires that our center locate individuals who are under the age of 22 and who have not received a GED or High School Diploma. We consider these individuals to be “Out-of-School Youth’ and we provide them with services that they may not be receiving elsewhere. Im further stunned that they request to collaborate and partner together to distribute surveys (@ the screening) for anyone (under 22 years of age) that would like to achieve any number of goals from graduation, GED completion, English as a second language, etc. Whoa. An opportunity to... serve. Their goal of locating those who be unaware of such assistance being available blessed me immensely. When I replied, I understand that in order to teach anyone the gospel message, I think its important to empathise and meet (if possible) their immediate need...; it shook me somewhat. Seemed like GOD spoke right on time or Id simply been too immersed in my desires instead of GODS will and purposes. After I thought about it (still taken aback), HOLY SPIRIT then asks, so, whats the purpose in you showing the documentary film (again)? Instead of leaning to your own understanding, hopes, goals, attendance, etc., simply go forth to implement the very message of the film: dont talk Church when I am presenting opportunities for you to... BE the CHURCH. (Me: Duh. The very message of the film. Silly me. Embarrassed.) Pray for us, The Words Of Life Show, as we excitedly attempt to align ourselves with GODS will instead of praying that HE acquiesce to ours. It is so or... Amen. #TheWordsofLifeShow, #CHURCH, #TheDocumentaryFilm *Tickets available @ The MPEC Business Office, open Monday thru Friday, from 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. First come - first served. If you know of family, friend, acquaintance, etc., that would be interested in taking advantage of Region IXs gracious offer, let me know, k? Surveys will be available @ the day of the screening.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 01:45:32 +0000

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