Shared with me from a special friend: In 2013, we are living - TopicsExpress


Shared with me from a special friend: In 2013, we are living in an electronic state of misinformation. Our national news outlets have blurred the lines between fact and editorial. Nobody knows what to believe anymore. The words let us make a difference or fair and balanced has turned our news broadcasts into a political circus. Mr. Cronkite and Mr. Huntley would be furious! We hear words from MSNBC that it our duty to practice Social Engineering. Fox News proclaims We are looking out for you, with a conservative slant. The nightly news casts, ABC, CBS and NBC, being limited by time constraint, will show us the liberal news spin that someone in THAT organization wants us to see. Those who proclaim to be democrats and liberals obtain their FACTS from these network broadcasts or from MSNBC. Those who proclaim to be Republican and Conservatives obtain their FACTS from Fox News or sometimes CNN. Where is the news outlet that actually broadcasts the news? The true facts without political perversion or liberal biased opinions of the so called journalists, who in the days of HONEST reporting were news anchors and reporters. Facts about the issues that are actually important to this Republic such as the real unemployment numbers, job prospects, the economy, drilling permits for oil, both onshore and off, coal mining, border security, illegal aliens taking away American jobs, Gun Control. Where are the unbiased mathematical statistics that arent tainted by politicians and corrupt news outlets? Where are the unbiased REPORTERS??? FACTS speak for themselves!! Politicians and media facts are completely partisan nonsense, and 99% liberal biased against Americans. Who are the States in this Republic operating in the black?? With a surplus in their coffers?? WHO are they governed by, 7 out of 8 states with a budget surplus are governed by Republicans. 1 by democrats. No surprise that this is not reported on liberal media outlets. Where is the information on the states operating in the red?? Who governs these states? These statistics should be on national news outlets. Who is financing politicians? How much money is being contributed from overseas, influencing the candidates even before being elected? Where is this money coming from? Why is money being pushed to a state candidate for governor from out of state? Who is doing this and for what perverted agenda? What are the donors names and motive?? Is it foreign money? BOTH parties rely on this kind of funding, why is it allowed? SPECIAL INTERESTS!!! Simple, accurate facts will do to REPORT to Americans. WE THE PEOPLE will make our own decision on what to THINK, which is what one party in particular does not want happening in this Republic. Liberals do not want We The American People to think for ourselves, hence the influence in the media. The light bulb of truth will come on with detailed, accurate and TRUTHFUL information to the important questions. All existing media outlets practice what we call Trash Information. This is to keep our minds off important issues that We The People NEED to know as citizens. We The People do NOT care if Lindsey Lohan is in jail or rehab again or who or how many new boyfriends she is with this week, or why this Kim Kardashian has a wide butt or what she wore outside of her house. Who cares if baseball players are using steroids?? On and on and on they go with these non-newsworthy information blasts to distract the public. NEWS is NEWS, and the entertainment industry has NO useful place on a NEWS report. That is what Americans watch E-News for, or Entertainment Tonight, but not the NEWS! In conclusion, erosion of special, financial and political principles in our Republic with no truthful facts to resolve them is a recipe for national disaster. Distrust in government, politics, financial institutes or in ourselves is the reason 60% of Americans do not go to the polls and vote. According to the latest information, 60% of Americans do not practice their right to vote. 65% of those that do vote say that ALL in Washington should be replaced. Whats ahead? Maybe the Declaration of Independence signed in July 1776 can give us the answer: Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these needs, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it. Maybe the time has come to exercise the guidelines that have lasted for over 235 years in keeping this Republic viable. This Nation is not hard to govern, it came to us with instruction manuals, The Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and The Holy Bible.....the ONLY question is this... CAN WE THE PEOPLE KEEP IT???
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 21:31:18 +0000

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