Shared with respects from Gwen D. Caldwell: I’d like to address - TopicsExpress


Shared with respects from Gwen D. Caldwell: I’d like to address our relatives of the First Nations and extend a warm handshake to each of you. The suffering and historical grief of invasion, occupation, genocide, massacres, broken treaties, racism, poverty, inadequate housing and poor health care lies too deep for tears and continues to this day. The powers that were, have given us all a shared fate of enslavement under the guise of governments that were really nothing more than corporations. They led us to believe that they represented us, when, in fact, all they did was use each of us as collateral for their fraudulent system. The fact is that all governments of the world have now all been foreclosed on by the One Peoples Public Trust. We are now hearing how the government will have to shut down on October 1, A. D. 2013 because they are broke. I submit to you this is by design. They have deliberately created every single problem we face today. They use our fear and our ignorance to continue controlling and enslaving us. They use the main stream media to sell us their next agenda, next war, next false flag attack. They profit from and delight in our poverty and fear. The cruelest and greatest lie that we’ve been sold is that we do not live on an abundant planet and that we are poor by choice. Don’t be fooled, your inheritance awaits you. There is more than enough to go around. You have been betrayed by a private company that has masqueraded as a lawful government. Did you ever wonder why you are paying to live on Earth? Do you realize that within the Earth, there is all you need to live free, and it belongs to all the people? It is our birthright, and we do not have to pay for it. Do you realize that YOU are the value in this system? Your wonderful energy, gifts and talents are your value, and all you need to do, is to willingly and lovingly give of these gifts, freely, to make the world a better place for all. The time has come to introduce America to the Creation Value Asset Centre, a new framework for social and economic governance, which returns the value to the people. The CVAC initiative is being underwritten by God Sky Earth and the King of Kings, K. 681, Mr. Sino, A.S., with funding supplied by the SWISSINDO World Orbit Trust. Funds from the Global Collateral Accounts are to be returned to the American people via trust accounts that are guaranteed by SWISSINDO Exhibits A-B. The total value being returned to the people of America is $1,965,000,000,000,000, so you see there is no need to fear. There is abundance for all. Each man, woman and child will be receiving their inheritance. The Creation Value Asset Centre is voluntary and non-coercive. It is a system of governance not a government. The police and military will be re-purposed for the protection of the people, instead of protecting their former corporate masters. There will be previously hidden technology released, for more earth friendly living, without sacrificing the comfort of the people. There will be new health care, education, housing and food production alternatives and technologies made available. Environmental restoration and cleanup will be started immediately. There will be a new financial system put in place that is open, honest and fair to everyone. We will return to Universal Common Law, with the basic principle being…do no harm. There will be cultural and racial reconciliation projects to create an environment of peace and equity among all people. You will finally be free! You will have freedom of choice and religion. I remind you that you are the value, you live on an abundant planet and there is nothing to fear. Your inheritance is coming. Stay strong. Do not fear. Do not allow yourself to be negatively affected by what the talking heads on the propaganda machines are reporting for the corporation’s agenda. There are Mentors, Guardians, Stewards and Problem-solvers of this new system who have heard your cries and they will be assisting you and all people of the planet. They are here to be your servants and to assist you in meeting all your needs. Warmest regards, Gwen Caldwell CEO Americas Delegation UN-Swissindo gwen.caldwell@hushmail lucas2012infos.wordpress/2013/07/18/swissindo-new-update-owner-global-partnership-and-trust-fund-operations-concessional-finance-and-global-partnerships-treaty-event-un-ri-20132014-17-july-2013/ lisaleaks/tag/un-swissindo/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 00:34:20 +0000

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