Shared with the ONLY relevant comment: Martin W. Brandt- I hate - TopicsExpress


Shared with the ONLY relevant comment: Martin W. Brandt- I hate to rain on everyones parade, but when a cop tells you to do something , or stop doing something, there is often a larger picture than you might see. I dont know what was going on here though, as it isnt shown. However if they ask you to desist and you dont, and it is a lawful order, and they need to eject you from an event, or arrest you, and you do not allow them to cuff you, then you ARE defacto resisting arrest. You do not have to be hitting them to be resisting. They use multiple officers to subdue you to be able to remove or arrest you with more safety for you and the officers. It isnt about being a fair fight, one on one, its about the officers doing an often thankless dangerous job every day without being injured, or maimed by beligerent, often drunk or drugged up folks, who could care less that cops are people too. If you continue to resist, as this man was, and they cannot control him quickly with fellow officers help their training says to up the level of force, and that involves tasers, or baton strikes. Most cops dont get their jollies shoving and hitting people, for no reason. Do any of you know what the order was the cop gave to the man to do, or stop doing? And did the man stop, or continue to do what was requested he not do? If you dont know, then you have NO arguement other than that it looks mean what the cops are doing, which is a purely emotional, and uninformed arguement. Do us all a favor, talk to some cops, or do some ride alongs to learn what they have to do and put up with day in and day out to protect us. Until you do that, the next time you need a cop to help you out call your mother- in- law, or your drunk fellow gamers, and see if they show up at 3 am. Save you judgement of the cops actions until you know all the facts, and what the the laws are, rather than just going off on the emotional feeling of what it makes you feel. Feelings are very frequently incorrect. Sorry for the rant, just tired of all the cop bashing lately, much of it is emotionally driven devoid of factual information.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:14:49 +0000

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