Shari Figueroa THIS is ~DH Origins Family~s version of Sebastos - TopicsExpress


Shari Figueroa THIS is ~DH Origins Family~s version of Sebastos Eudorus Parthenopaeus - DH Origins Family birth we wrote Welcome to the World Sebastos *Tory waking up trying to focus- eyes cross as I see a nose WAY too close to my face - what on earth?!! - pushes herself up from the pillow - Simi!! What are you doing staring down at me sleeping!! *eyes widen as she takes in Simis outfit- *cocks head not sure she is seeing * A goth pleather nurses outfit - complete with stethescope? *shaking her head as if trying to wake up from a dream * Nope... still there *Simi backing up just a little bit as I sit up in bed* The Simi was checking On HER baby... she wanted to makes sure Akra Tory was sleeping good and the Simis baby was snoozing good.. *taking pen and making notes on clipboard * Okays... Now that you are awakes... lets the Simi & Xi ask Akra some questions .... What?!! - Tory looking around frantic - Xi!! What are you doing here? - *Xi steps forward also dressed in a pleather nurses outfit too complete with her own clipboard and stethescope* Akra T- What Simi was trying to tell you and not doing such a good job of- We are going to be your nurses - making sure everything is good with you and OUR - not just Simis but OUR - glares at Simi- OUR Baby is sleeping and getting plenty of food - FOOD is important for our baby... Xi and Simi think it might be part Charonte... -voice trails off as she sees Akra Ts face & backing away slowly - Why dont we go get Akra some breakfast- Simi lets go see what is in the kitchen while Akra T gets dressed... Tory - eyes bewildered as she watches them walk out of the bedroom- Well that was certainly special now wasnt it?. Simi & Xi spent the day giving me the ins and outs of the Charonte Food Pyramid- not only did they tell me what foods I should be eating and what foods the baby will need to eat when THEIR baby is born.... but they argued over some of the foods and their IMPORTANCE.... Xi wanted Hot Sauce to be at top of food pyramid... Simi wanted BBQ Sauce... with Hot Sauce being a close second... along with Ice Cream & Popcorn... Grilled meats and Lia Kattalakis cakes... Well Xi wanted Hot sauce first and foremost... and Popcorn and BBQ sauce to have equal billing... drop the ice cream and popcorn and only have grilled meats and Lia Kattalakis cakes... my head was spinning ... but boy did they bring over a TON of food!! Now that I LIKED!!! Last night was a bit crazy in the Parthenopaeus apartment... filled with family and friends- Simi & Xi dressed like Naughty Charonte Nurses gone wild - complete with stethoscopes... come rushing in when I start having contractions... I sent them to Kalosis to sit with Apollymia who was chomping at the bit to get here- while I had Carson Whitethunder and Stacie - Talons Squire here to check up on me - Our apartment was so full that the Fire Marshall if he had come by- would have shut us down on violations of maximum capacity codes... After all the fun fun fun... it turned out to be a false alarm... Braxton Hicks... But at least last night we had our DRESS REHEARSAL for the big event... The next day, getting up off the couch I look down and feel my feet all warm and wet- eyes grow huge as I look over at Acheron- Achimou I think my water just broke- I watch panic spread across his features as he looks around for some help- smiling gently- Babe how about dry clothes for me - and getting me to bed? He begins to nod slowly then picking me up gently and within seconds he manifests a new dry gown for me and I am in bed with a mound of pillows behind me. He gets his phone out and begins calling people but before he can get the first person dialed- there is a knock at the door- he opens it and finds- Selena & Bill Laurens & Menyara Chartier along with Talon & Sunshine Morigantes on the doorstep with arms full of bags - they come into the kitchen and begin unloading their bags... A perplexed look on his face- his mouth opens - How did you know? Selena and Menyara begin laughing simultaneously... Selena begins walking a warding circle around the apartment and Menny begins walking around the apartment with some sage burning - chanting softly - a few minutes later -the doorbell rings again and Sin & Katra & Mia all show up together with bags filled with food and drinks - they begin off loading their bags in the kitchen and setting up the food on the dining room table... Several minutes pass by and the door bell rings again- this time its Xedrix and Kerryna along with Maxis Dragonswain & Devon Paige & Xanthus Charonte & Nim D Origins, Ximena & Xenres, Xavia & Xoe Charonte show up with even more food with them and several bottles of ketchup from Nim, bottles of Hot Sauce & BBQ from the Charontes ...Vane and Bride Kattalkis flash in with Fury & Lia Kattalakis & Aimee & Fang Kattalakis - all bearing gifts for the baby... Simi & Xi dressed in their nurses uniforms show up complete with stethoscopes - they rush into the bedroom smiling and talking faster that the speed of light- OUR BABY !!! is it abouts to get borned? each pulling out a leather catchers mitt- beaming proudly at me and Acheron - See we came prepared to catch OUR BABY...Xi begins taking pictures and my eyes narrow on her- laughing- Xi no pictures of me without make up and my hair plastered to my head had better show up on Face Book - or the Parthenopaeus Christmas Card this year... my head spinning as the pains grow more intense ... taking slow breaths in and out... Whooooo Whooo Heee Whooooo Whooo Heeeeeeeeee. A few moments later a white light appears and I find Apollymia and Danger and Ias in Shade form along with Savitar Chthonian in my bedroom- the apartment slowly filling up with our family and friends... I continue slow breathing - in through my nose and out through my mouth- drawing slow circles on my baby bump... Acheron closing his cell phone as he finishes talking with Carson Whitethunder - and Carson shows up minutes later with doctor bag - Billie Moon Squire & Stacie Talons Squire and a baby isolette & baby monitor - and begins barking orders so that he can have room to check my vitals and the babies... I watch as Xi and Danger and Ias lback out of the room..and Simi and Acheron stand fast not leaving my side . Apollymia looks over at Carson and in a very low menacing voice- ANYTHING happens to my DAUGHTER IN LAW or GRANDCHILD and what happened to Atlantis will look like one of those theme park rides Simi & Xi are always going on about... Do I make myself perfectly clear Hawk? *nods with satisfaction never letting her gaze wander from the mother and child as Carson swallows loudly and nods ascent * Carson checking Tory for dilation and vitals - smiles - She is about 6 centimeters dilated and fetal heart rate sounds strong - lets keep her on the baby monitor for the duration... Menny , Selena , & Katra carrying Mia all come come in to see how everything is going when the baby monitor lets loose a loud alarm and Carson comes running in with Stacie & Billie close on his heels- he pulls the strip and frowns - Menyara looks over to Acheron - I can deliver this baby by C-Section NOW... - Carson frowns at her if ANYONE is delivering this baby by C-Section it will be me... Acheron looking suddenly very pale looks from Menyara to Carson and back again- Apollymia turns to Acheron- APOSTOLOS Take your baby with your powers NOW!! Cason with his stethoscope listens to my heart rate and frowns even more - putting an oxygen mask over my nose - he looks up at Acheron something isnt right- Torys heart rate is slowing and the baby is in distress with low dips decelerating - Acheron in a panic places his hands over my belly and I feel his power rush through me - but at the same time- there is energy bouncing all over the room, light bulbs bursting, I hear loud claps of thunder & lightning and a storm begins brewing, wind whips inside the apartment - Apollymia yells Acheron TAKE YOUR BABY NOW!! - Acheron looks up- I cant - the baby is refusing to be born... it senses Torys heart failing and is not HAPPY !!! What do I do?!! At that moment Artemis Theron - Agrotera & Nick Gautier flash in- Katra had summoned her mum - she looks around at all the faces and the devastation that the power jumping around the room had caused - & in a quite, calm voice Tell me Acheron, what is going on? Acheron not leaving Torys side - looks up to see Artemis and with teeth gritted- It seems Artemis I am in need of the Goddess of Childbirth ... Torys heart is failing and we are losing the baby - the baby refusing to be born- Please - I will give you ANYTHING you want I CANNOT LOSE TORY!!! Artemis slowly nods - I can deliver the baby Acheron- but I want NOTHING in return- this is my gift to right a wrong that was wrought many thousands of years ago when you were not aware of Katra - Artemis starts to go to the bed where I was- Acheron yells :STOP! ... I want you to aid and deliver Tory- but NO ONE touches our baby but ME!! Is that understood? I will NOT have happen to our child - like what happened to me- to be cursed... no gods or goddess must touch our child.. Do I make myself crystal clear? he looks first at Artemis then to Menyara then to Apollymia- each of them nodding in turn... Artemis places her hands above my belly and her hands begin glowing - the monitors alarms cease their incessant bells- Carson still reading the strip looks up at Acheron The babys heart rate is no longer bottoming out Acheron studies Tory and her color begins to improve - Artemis looks up Acheron- your baby is about to be born - get ready Acheron moves to the end of the bed- and into his hands a wriggling baby is born- stares at the baby with a cap of blonde curls and eyes as ancient as his own staring up into his... he then looks into Torys eyes - with tears of joy streaming down his face - he whispers Tory we have a son laying the baby over onto my belly with its head nestled between my breasts - Artemis hands him the scissors Acheron you must cut the cord she moves back away from the bed, leaning against Nick. Nick wraps his arms around her from behind. Acheron taking the scissors- cuts the cord - and stepping to the head of the bed- leans down and kisses Torys forehead - taking her hand and kisses her knuckles watches intently as Carson and Stacie and Billie begin cleaning Tory - he closes his eyes- using his powers and the baby is instantly clean. Simi and Xi step forward and hand the baby blankets they brought with them to Tory to wrap the baby in... Not paying any attention to the goings on... staring in wonder at our son... I begin counting his fingers and toes - and stare at his beautiful blonde curls- tears of joy streaming down my face- whisper Our son is beautiful Achimou Selena leaves the room and in an instant we hear Its a son!! there are cheers in the next room - and Acheron and I both laugh at the same time - Welcome to the world - SEBASTOS EUDORUS PARTHENOPAEUS... (Special thanks must be given to Mystere De Fantome for her lovely baby announcement she made for us as well as our family portraits - May the Gods and Goddess always smile upon you and yours- thank you so much for being a part of our DH Origins Family)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:33:56 +0000

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