Sharing - Pakistans August Parliament Vs PTI and PAT As - TopicsExpress


Sharing - Pakistans August Parliament Vs PTI and PAT As received from a friend, a brief overview of the so called democracy that our parliamentarians are so fond of talking about .... The Rump Parliament of England was a corrupt body of elected persons ruling for their own benefits, passing no political reforms to improve governance and went on awarding yearly extensions to itself rather than allow fresh elections. General Oliver Cromwell was becoming increasingly frustrated with the members of the Parliament who continued indulging in self serving policies despite warnings. Finally, in 1653, at the head of an army, Cromwell marched into Parliament and dismissed the members. It was replaced by the Barebones Parliament, a select parliament of committed Puritans who elected Cromwell as Lord Protector, who ruled for 15 years till his death refusing to accept the title of King or passing the rule to his sons. ( History of England ) In response to the PAT and PTI’s ongoing sit-in in Islamabad, Pakistan’s National Assembly and Senate unanimously rejected the demands and declared the House was supreme and so was the Constitution. This not only reminded one of Cromwell but also the nature of the people sitting in these two ‘August Houses’ and the Constitutions. A brief look at both would only be fair. To start with, this ‘Supreme Constitution’ hammered out under pressure from religious parties, has under gone several amendments. All amendments have aimed at making the heads of the political parties really ‘supreme’ over their members, appease the crowds and the religious parties to reduce their nuisance and finally ended up converting the Federation into a Confederation. The provincial autonomy has started pitching provinces against each other. This polarization will only increase. No amendment has been made, and if made implemented for the weak and poor. The essence of the Constitution militates against the divine awarded equality of human beings. It leans towards religious notions, which are not followed in any case, and has triggered an unending witch hunting of minorities and sectarian conflict likely to grow into a civil war. Can such a Constitution be called sanctimonious and supreme? But the Parliament thinks this Constitution cannot be questioned by anyone sitting outside the House. So did the English Parliament think alike, which was sent packing by Cromwell in 1653. Those sitting inside the House, the MNAs are elected either through rigging the votes, coercing the sub-tribes, feudal pressures and power of money. Women MNAs are nominated by party leaders with only one qualification; the party leader wants them to be in the House. In tribal and feudal societies, no freshly educated person is allowed by the incumbents to contest the election; they are just dispatched to rest in eternal peace. Of course, there are exceptions, educated, fair and patriotic persons also reach the ‘august House’, but in very small number. Then there is the Senate! Party leader awards ‘tickets’ to anyone whom he likes or has received the highest bid in cash, or promise of blind-support. The First Right to ‘ticket’ is of the kith and kin of the party leader, of course. A perusal of last 3-4 Senates clearly will prove this. A man from Karachi gave Rs.40 millions to Zafarullah Jamali and Qadir Baloch in 2003 and got elected Senator from Balochistan. No qualifications are needed, only connection, political power and money for buying ‘ticket’ are needed. Such is the nature of the ‘elected august members of the Senate’! Of course, there are exceptions but in very small number. The conduct of these ‘august houses’ borders at criminality. They don’t pay taxes. The taxes on poor people are increased yearly through every conceivable indirect way. The only political ‘reforms’ done in the House are to benefit these ‘august members’ and their continuation in power. They demand from corporations and public servants favours, jobs for their constituents/kith n kin even ‘contributions’ as their right. The government is run by the elected persons often having no relevant qualification or even managerial experience. Every civil department has been driven into ground with no work ethics left. The ministers start indulging in amassing wealth and passing on share to party leader. The PM and CM have no threat of facing a No-Confidence as the Opposition is also given a fair share of the loot. NAB takes care of the risks to the looters and makes correct noises for the public but does nothing. Checks and balances of a democracy have been well taken care of. Politics runs as a family business and the heads of 5-6 big and 8-15 small political parties keep a balance that their loot is not caught lest they also become a victim. Entire family is made Senator, MNA, MPA, ministers, governors, heads of corporations and even employed in civil service, merit be damned. I am not sitting with PAT or PTI in person, but I agree with them totally. And that reminds me of General Oliver Cromwell, or else I would not have started to write mentioning him. Shunshob. Quetta
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 16:23:09 +0000

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