Sharing :-TRADE UNIONS ARE “MAFIA ORGANISATIONS”. FRIENDS ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? While our law enforcement agents, State Police, Federal Police, National Crime Authority, ASIO State Premiers are struggling to crush outlaw organised motorcycle gangs menacing society with standover tactic, drug trafficking, turf wars, money laundering through brothels, tattoo parlours and the like, GUESS WHO IS COMING TO THEIR RESCUE? THE TRADE UNIONS “MAFIA ORGANISATIONS”. Can you believe union member’s fees and moneys will be used to bankroll a court challenge against Queensland’s anti-bikie laws? The ALP should hang their heads in shame, how the hell can you bastards allow the backbone of your political party to engage is such a tragic act. Given the ALP is nothing more than the political face of the unions, you ungodly reprehensible bastards have an obligation to immediately step in prevent the undermining the tireless work of law enforcement agents doing their best to deal with a problem that is global and has become endemic in our society. BILL SHORTEN, “what interest do Union organisations founded to protect their interests of workers have in protecting illegal criminal gangs”? “Why are the unions supporting criminal gangs”? Friends read and weep: 1. The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has given $5000 of member’s fees to the United Motorcycle Councils fighting fund. 2. The Electrical Trades Union (ETU) has given and $10,000 of member’s to the United Motorcycle Councils fighting fund. 3. The Queensland Council of Unions is also considering its own action against the laws, Justifying the same with “the anti-gang laws infringe on the work rights of members linked to bikie gangs.” OH MY GOD….. 4. Ms Palaszczuk of the ETU said “They have a right to challenge laws aimed at weeding bikies out of the construction industry.” OH MY GOD 5. A group calling itself the ETU Boys, which gave $10,000, are among prominent donors to a UMC war chest currently swelling by about $100,000 a month. 6. The national arm of the Bandidos has also been forced to give $35,000 by other clubs who blamed its members for provoking the war on bikie gangs. Let me spell it out in very simple terms, “Can you imagine what it would be like to be a tradesperson and have a disagreement or argument on a building site with another tradesperson who is also the MEMBER OF AN ILLEGAL CRIMINAL BIKIE GANG AND SUPPORTED BY THE UNION”?????????????? Think about it!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 22:10:29 +0000

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