Sharing a quirky poem sent to us by Jennine White 18 December - TopicsExpress


Sharing a quirky poem sent to us by Jennine White 18 December 22:27 Merry Christmas Christchurch! Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the city Not a creature was stirring, not even a kitty. The stockings were hung by the chimney with a prayer, In hopes that the EQC had repaired it with care. The children were restless hot in their beds, Because a nor’wester wind blew around their heads. And mamma in her singlet, and I in my jandals, Had just settled with a beersie surrounded by candles. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, From a fallen drunkard, lacking grey matter. Away to the poor soul I flew like a flash, And held their hair why they threw up in the trash. The moon on the breast of the new-fallen vomit Flying out of their mouth faster than a comet. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, A rising golden warming sphere. Hurray the sun has finally come out! Though whether it will stick around is a pretty big doubt. But soon we won’t have to drive into work And deal with all those roadwork’s that drive us berserk. With lots of workman, so lively and quick, And commuters shouting out “Oi you d*^k!” More rapid than home time on Friday they came, And the boss whistled, and shouted, and called them by name! Now Richard! Now, Mary! Now, Robert and Casper! On, Lillian! On, Paul! On, on Walter and Jasper! To the cones on the side of the road! To the top of the crumbling wall! Now build away! Crash away! Dash away all! As dry dust that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, give out a cry. In exasperated fashion they shout “what is it now?!” With a skip full of rubble, and sweat on their brow. And then, in a twinkling, we hear outside, The beeping of a truck reversing, acting as a guide. My word we’ve had enough of all this construction, But how far we’ve come in light of all the destruction. They were dressed in hi-vis, from their head to their feet, And their clothes were all tarnished with dust and sweat in the heat. A bag of expanding foam they had flung on their backs, As they try to patch up all those damn cracks. Those jackets how they twinkle! Those shouts how merry! Their cheeks were like roses, their noses like cherry! All because they forgot to put on the factor 50, Cheaping out on suntan lotion, not so thrifty! Tradies on smoke-o’s, ciggies held tight in their teeth, And the smoke it encircled their heads like a wreath. Eating mince and cheese pies that go straight to the belly, That shakes when they laugh, like a bowlful of jelly! Or was it an aftershock, about 4.5? Oh we’re all used to this, Cantabrians thrive! Breaks nearly over, can you hear the chime? Come on now get back to work, it’s nearly Christmas Time! They spoke not a word, but went straight back to work. A nice long break for Christmas is not a bad perk. As the time is nearly here for all of us now, To say good bye to 2014, arrivederci, ciao! So as we spring to our sleighs, and give our colleagues a whistle, And away we all fly like the down of a thistle. Hear us exclaim, ‘ere as we drive out of sight, Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:13:19 +0000

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