Sharing a review..... This review is from: Enagic Kangen Water - TopicsExpress


Sharing a review..... This review is from: Enagic Kangen Water Leveluk SD501 Water Ionizer Machine (Kitchen) I have owned an SD501 for over 5 years now, and I have had only the best experiences possible with it. I am convinced that many of these negative reviews are competitors or paid haters, as there is no way this machine can be labeled as a scam to so many people who claim the extreme opposite of restored health. Representatives who sell this machine often give away the water to prospective customers as proof of how well the water works. So it is entirely possible to try before you buy for proof. The machine is also a bonafide medical device with official papers and acknowledgments. So please use your discernment when considering any negative Amazon ratings. With many 5 star reviews and almost as many 1 star reviews, it is pretty apparent theres some passionate manipulation going on with Amazons rating system. Because of the hater posts, I have decided to share my own story. Take it for what its worth, and no matter where you look, my story is nothing compared to the many folks out there who have benefitted greatly with their health when drinking a gallon a day of the alkaline water. I have been applying corticosteroids to my skin for two decades, and I really needed a better fix that was steroid-free since my skin was getting badly damaged. 5 years ago I was researching natural remedies and learned that the acidic water produced by the alkaline/ionization machines could help with my skin condition as they have for many years for people overseas. I did a TON of personal research and learned about the manufacturing quality of various devices on the market. I eventually met a friend of a friend who had the SD501, and tried out her machines water for a couple of weeks. I was amazed by what happened with my skin when applying the acidic water for a week. Nowadays I no longer use corticosteroids, and I enjoy very healthy skin without many of the symptoms and painful sensitivity that I once had. My entire family drinks the 9.5 water each day, which tastes exceptionally delicious (no subtle tastes that I can discern). We water our plants with 5.0pH water, and I wash our produce with the 12-13pH water. When I do that, the water in the bowl starts out clear, and by the time the produce soaks for 10 minutes in the super alkaline water, the water becomes slightly dirty looking. This does not happen when I soak produce with regular tap water, and I have come to learn this is because highly alkaline water can strip off water-based pesticides and residues that reside on conventionally-grown foods. Yes, the filter can be a little pricey, but the medications that I stopped using would have cost me more. I went with the SD501 over other products that I researched because the quality of the parts inside was shown to exceed the quality of other devices. And to really prove the point, it turns out that many other popular water machine manufacturers will cancel their warranties on the consumer if the device goes in for repair or cleaning and it is found that the machine is being used in hard water locations. The Enagic company stands behind their product, no matter how hard your water source is. The phrase you get what you pay for absolutely applies here. There is a LOT of research to do when you invest in one of these machines. Dont be fooled--get proof of any claims that are made and know that you are making an educated decision and a wise purchase! Finally, I want to explain something that I learned. Many who have scientific minds may wonder, how can I drink alkaline water and get the benefits if my stomach produces acid and will overpower or neutralize the alkaline liquids I consume? In fact, theres a few web pages created by chemists who claims that because of this natural biological response to eating, the alkaline water concept is a scam or snake oil. A little research will show that this is simply not true! It is important to drink alkaline water in between meals. When your stomach is empty, it does not produce acid! Water will enter into the stomach, which is indeed an acidic environment, but the water will not cause the stomach to begin pumping acid. So with enough water in the stomach, the alkaline water passes through the stomach and into the small and large intestines where water is typically absorbed to support biological functions. So yes, if you drink an alkaline substance with the consumption of food, the body will compete with the water because it needs to digest the contents of your stomach. But drinking the water in between means will allow your body to absorb the alkaline waters, which are greatly helpful in steering your body towards a more alkaline state. Your bloodstream will, of course, work to maintain its 7.35 to 7.45pH blood level. However, I am not referring to blood levels, but rather the levels of extracellular fluids that make up the rest of your body. Theres a lot more to read about working towards an alkaline body, which understandably can be very interesting to some while not so much to others. I am not a medical professional and I do not sell water machines. I am simply conveying these statements from other sites that Ive found to be authoritative and authored by medical professionals. The point is, do your homework, and understand that this technology is very competitive for your wallet, despite being very real and legitimate. Heres to your health!
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 18:47:06 +0000

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