Sharing another testimony of an unbeliever coming first time to - TopicsExpress


Sharing another testimony of an unbeliever coming first time to church in Southampton and leaving fully healed! This is what a healthy church should be like! We should be a powerhouse of God. It should be known to all men, believers and unbelievers alike that our God is alive and in healing business! Allow Himself to use you as a conduit of His love and healing power! Step forth in bold faith, lay your hands on the sick and command the sickness to leave and the bodies to align with the Word of God. Healing belongs to us by default. But God in His grace lets the sun rise and shine both to believers and unbelievers alike, and His grace and mercy is extended to everyone who is sick and in need of healing. Sometimes we lack in faith and say things like if you have faith you shall be healed. And it is true, there is truth to it. Kenneth E. Hagin e.g. described cases where people got healed, e.g. God healed a person from a club foot, but he went and put the same old orthopaedic shoe on, and lost his healing right at that moment, as his foot went back and the miracle was reversed. So faith plays an important part. But sometimes we tell things like that to cover our own unbelief. The truth is that anyone can get healed on our faith. And God can and shall heal also an unbeliever who comes to Him, looking for a healing, and sometimes not even then. Sometimes He heals even the sceptics who have come with doubtful intentions. And these people have zero faith. It comes all down to our belief in Him. And believing Him is easy. All it takes is a belief in His integrity. Or trust in Him. That He is as good as His Word and He does not lie. And then we go and do as He has told us to do and He shall do His part - making the sick to recover. The South-Korean church whose materials I have been translating since the Good Friday of 2010 has witnessed many healing miracles. They have also set up a special ministry for medical doctors, where the qualified medical personnel meets and invites unsaved medical doctors to attend the conferences. They present the cases with medical data, and the unsaved medical doctors are convinced by what they see, for they know from the standpoint of their education that these cases are impossible for men, and the seen and heard makes them understand God. It is a great work, with many testimonies all over the world. And you have the same power within you. Holy Spirit came and came into you in all His fullness. I had long a question how to get it released. I tried all kind of things. I read and put the read to some good use. But then I went to the School of Evangelism of Reinhard Bonnke and understood that it did not take any such trick. All it took was trust in God, and stepping out on His Word, and doing what He had asked us to do. So, be bold and act in bold faith, knowing that God has called you to co-operate with Him. Pray for the sick, and God will heal! How do I know? For He has promised to. Now, does it always happen necessarily so. A friend of mine was bold and got hold of the idea. But she had a bit of motivation. Good person, but she (as most of us at our beginning - there is a reason why God tells us not to put a novice to a leadership position and we have all been there) approached the hardest miracle demanding situations, which was all great, but the tiny motive of being seen and known was a fly in the ointment (and no condemnation here, havent we all been at least some time in the past in the same boat, it is normal human thinking, and Holy Spirit helps us with it - we are all His handiwork, but the point is that all our working for Him should proceed from love and love alone!). And she prayed boldly even at the airport and things went well, with the headache. But then she wanted to see God grow the amputated leg of a diabetic gentleman. And it was too big a piece for her. It is good to grow in our faith and yes, start off maybe not trying to raise the dead. Anyway, she lost the courage and dropped after that praying for the sick altogether. Which was a great pity. Another friend felt also faith rise and summoned all her relatives to the morgue. For she sincerely wanted God to raise her dead relative. Now Jesus did not always necessarily summon everyone to see and witness the miracle when raising the dead. Instead, He told them to stay outside, for their unbelief was not conducive to the atmosphere. And needless to say that the dead remained dead and as a result the relatives found another reason to mock God. The lady was sincere. And there is absolutely nothing wrong in trying to give our best to get our dead relatives return from death. Also I prayed, although in another country, on the day of my mothers death on the day when my Hillsongs Leadership Course begun at the Southampton local church, and I went out and prayed my heart out in every faith that God was able to intervene and get her return. In my case there was also a brother of mine whom it would have ministered to, for he was battling with feelings of remorse. I even agreed with the pastor in faith as the prayer of agreement is mighty if we know how to do it, standing on the Scriptures and channelling our faith in agreement into them. But Holy Spirit spoke and told me that it was the time for her. She did not want to return. And there is also nothing wrong in praying for totally hopeless cases which require the combination of the gift of faith and the gift of working the miracles. Reinhard Bonnke describes in his book a certain episode how a girl who accompanied him at his ministry crusade prayed for a man with a shrivelled hand, and the hand grew. And the girl fainted. Evidently she did not pray in much faith, expecting the hand to grow. But it did grow! So, you be bold and step on His Word and go do. It is something He has asked every believer to do. And again. We do not preach the gospel to earn the brownie points. Here the motives come into play. Our motivation has to be right. For the people who do not know God would see it immediately if we preach them not out of love, or a desire to win them to the Lord, but with different motivation, and our attempts will remain fruitless. But if we have compassion and we share Christ for we know that He alone can answer their need, they want the real thing. May our Gospel preaching happen with the demonstration of it, by signs and wonders. It makes our life interesting and and exciting one. And supernatural is our share. The Spirit within us is a supernatural one. When we go and do what God has asked us to do, it is all it takes to release His power. Now, all the miracles may not necessarily happen the moment you begin to pray for the sick. Todd White who has today a great healing ministry, and who promotes what we may call as a lifestyle evangelism, including every believer in Christ, who is passionate for the cause of Jesus, shared that he prayed at first for about 1,000 people. And none got healed. But the secret lies in not giving up. He kept praying. And at about the thousandth time a miracle happened. And after that it was a miracle after another. Maybe God wants to see that you are really serious, before He entrusts you the healing ministry. I do not know. But the truth is that every believer who has the Holy Spirit inside him or her, and if you have asked Jesus to your heart, He has come! can do the works of Jesus. So, lets keep going and expanding the Kingdom of God by releasing the light and ousting the darkness, taking the land and expelling the darkness from there as we advance step by step, knowing that every bit of the land where the sole of your feet steps shall be taken to God! Let us be an advancing and ever-powerful, invincible army of God, cancelling the deeds of the enemy while proclaiming Christ, as that is what He has called and made us to be! God bless you!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:15:40 +0000

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