Sharing from a very wise team member... We can blame our kids, - TopicsExpress


Sharing from a very wise team member... We can blame our kids, our schedules, our spouse, our genes, our personality, our jobs, our income, our location, our age, how we were raised, who we were raised by, our health (or lack of), and a million other things. But at the end of the day, if we want ANYTHING to get better, it is up to us. Pants too tight? Put down the brownie. House is a mess and kids are tasmanian devils who wont do anything? Be the parent. Everyone told you that you would never amount to anything? Stop listening to them. Late to everything and feeling frazzled? Start your day earlier, which may be going to bed earlier too. Marriage falling apart? Ditch the pride and find a great counselor already. Dont have any friends? Be kind to everyone you meet - and go join some mom groups, Bible studies, etc and introduce yourself. Dont make enough money? Be open to new opportunities - even if they seem out of the box. Feeling tired, drained, sore, achy, and unhealthy a good majority of the time? Buy REAL food to put into your body. Want to know more about how to do something better? Teach yourself!! Google is 1 click away. People say to me all the time…I wish I had your motivation and energy. Well, you CAN!!!!! YOU. CAN. Choose to LIVE - you will never, ever regret it!! I struggled with many of those things I listed above. And each of them were overcome with a CHOICE. Hard? Totally. Worth it? You bet. Lets roll. -Megan Baker Are you ready to make some new choices in the new year? I know I am!! Quit the blame game with me!! Lets get healthy, feel better, reduce our stress, spend more time with good friends and God....lets make 2015 the best year yet!! #noblame #newgame #bringon2015
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:12:37 +0000

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