Sharing my pain of being a left handed person in this right handed - TopicsExpress


Sharing my pain of being a left handed person in this right handed world!!! Should i say i choose it wrong to be using left hand in this right handed world.from my childhood i have been stigmatised by parent,teachers and peer group just because i refuse to head towards their direction.perhaps am not even ambidextruos so the best of my ability strongly rely on my left hand. The believe of the Roman doctrine is that left-hand is evil and to get it worsen when a burial right is been performed i hear pastors saying may the person sleep in the right-hand side of the creator.what has gone wrong with the left hand of the creator? This myths and anecdotals makes me wonder why people stigmatize left handed people.i have come to realise that left handed people are bestowed with a special gift that makes them so expectional and add more they seemed more intelligent,perhaps this is not a cliche basically because am a left handed person. Overtime i have been opportuned to read the excitement of two left-handed people,who constested in a presidential election in 1992. Bill Clinton and George H.w Bush.i learnt that the third Top contender in that election Ross perot was also a left handed person. In 1996,i read on how a certain Bob Dole of the Republican party also a left handed person fought it out with left handed Clinton and Perot One of my oratory Mentor Barrack Hussien Obama happens to be a left handed person he had to wrestle it out with fellow left handed person John McCain in 2008 America presidential David cameroon the current prime minster of the United kingdom belongs to the group.Nigeria vice president Architect Namadi Sambo is also a left handed person. Not forgetting Gov.Babatunde raji fashola The fire power of the left legged Emmanuel Amunike earns Nigeria her only olympic Gold in Atlanta 1996. Not forgetting the magic left foot of Diego amarndo Maradona. To cap in all the wonderous wonders in the left foot of arguably the world greatest footballer Lionel Andres Messi saw him won uncountable accolades. On a couple of occasions i have suffered as a result of my left handedness,where Daddy will flog me to stop collecting money from him with my left hand,mother will tell me to stop eating in the same plate with her,most painful part is friends telling me i dont belong to the group of the intellengsia because my brain is on the left side which means my brain is wrongly placed. hmmmm,discriminating against us left handed people wont be fair enough..we are from the same creator. I am proud to be a left handed Person......YES i mean it!!! Just Greatman!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:36:58 +0000

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