Sharing some personal honesty from my heart with my friends - TopicsExpress


Sharing some personal honesty from my heart with my friends tonight...may leave it up, may take it down...but ever how long its up, maybe it will help someone: Recently someone did a deed that effected our ministry negatively in a great way, and it was so surprising because it came from someone we had GREAT confidence in...and it HURT! Its been several weeks since it happened but the past few days its been weighing heavy on my heart! You know, I just couldnt get past the fact that THEY are going on as if they dont have a care in the world, yet their actions effected us so greatly! Tonight, the oh so human part of me thought, Wait isnt there a parable concerning a situation just like this in the Bible? I reached for my Bible and found exactly what I was looking for! BUT, after I read where someone who did a deed like that was displeasing to God...I read the last verse of the parable that brought out that we must forgive our brother or sister...from our heart! WOW! Are we in ministry perfect...NO! We go through the same battles, the same hurts everyone does. So how can WE minister to others about something we cant do ourselves? Heres the truth...I CANT do it on MY own, Ive tried, but I really do WANT to forgive! So from this night on I refuse to dwell on it anymore! I want PEACE in MY heart so I can continue to share it with others! So I choose to ALLOW God to do a work in me that makes it possible through HIS forgive. Who knows what tomorrow may bring, life at its best is short...theres too much to press forward for, to remain stuck where peace does not dwell. My prayer tonight is simply this...Lord the rest really doesnt matter anymore, I relinquish it to You, You see and You know, so whatever it requires of me...just give me Your PEACE! ~IBelieve> #PEACEIsPossible~
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:18:55 +0000

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