Sharing the Gospel Boldly. One evening several years ago, a - TopicsExpress


Sharing the Gospel Boldly. One evening several years ago, a Maryville, Tenn., college student named George leaped out of bed, switched on his light, and shouted to his roommate, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it!” Awakened from his sleep, the roommate asked, “What have you got, George?” George replied, “Everyone in the U.S. has a chance to hear the Gospel—but not in Mexico. We should go there this summer and distribute tracts. How about it?” Stumbling over his words, the roommate said, “Well, George, I don’t know. I’d have to pray about it.” “Okay, let’s pray,” said George as he knelt beside his bed. A couple of minutes later, George lifted his head and asked, “So, are you ready to go now?” The roommate was reluctant to finalize a commitment to go so far, so soon. George muttered, “It takes some people so long to decide to do anything!” Years later, George Verwer, this evangelistic college student, became the founder of Operation Mobilization. Bible says Woe unto me If I refuse 2 preach d Gospel. Friends has you embark on d Journey of dis week make sure u talk 2 sum1 about Christ. Stop saying 2mao or next week; take a move now; and it shall be well with ur Soul.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:24:24 +0000

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