Sharing this Mornings mesage for my evening Friends and Who So - TopicsExpress


Sharing this Mornings mesage for my evening Friends and Who So Ever …PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER THAT YOU MAY BE HEALED… JAMES 5:16 Yes, this verse was taken apart to show how people sometimes take part of the Word of God out of context and find that it does not work. Now lets look at the whole verse, James 5:13-16, Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Now get out your Bible and read the whole chapter and see what prayer can do in our lives. Last Monday night Brother Gary and I were used of God to bring seven inmates to deliverance from the power of satan. One of the inmates was into satan worship. That night the power of God fell in that jail and each inmate was changed. Where there had been sadness and sorrow, there was peace and joy. It was not Brother Gary or myself who made the difference. It was the Holy Spirit of God, having heard the confessions that these men made, as we were praying. This is the good part. The bad part is when we choose to allow God to use us as willing vessels without first asking for the cover of prayer. Tuesday was a very sorry day for me. Nothing went right. I was sick and chilling and could not get warm even under many covers. Wednesday was even worse with cold, chills, and sore joints and bones. Then on Thursday, to go along with the rest of it, I had a high fever. I also had ideas of quitting the ministry, ideas of going back to my past sinful life, ideas of quitting God. I was not able to pray, not able to hear the Word of God when I read it, not able to hear the voice of God as I went down the path of life. It got so bad that I knew I needed theprayers of the faithful. I called friends out of state and prayed with them and they told me that they had not prayed for me in the last three days. I felt a little better after praying with and for them. Then I called Brother Gary and asked how he had been doing. He laughing said, Fine! And you? It was then that I realized that he had been under the cover of a praying congregation since he pastors a church and his congregation must pray for him daily. I told him what our God had showed me and asked him if he would call some of his members and ask them to lift me up in prayer. Satan was out to destroy me. About an hour later, while driving down the highway praying and my mind blank, I ran a stop sign and did not even know I had done it until I was heading out into high speed cross traffic. I saw a car that I could not miss and heard a voice say Turn right, fast. I turned right and the other car passed me in the other ditch and the car behind them also passed me while they were in the ditch. I must wonder what the outcome would have been had I not prayed with my friends and called for prayer this morning. After getting to town I knew my day was finished, my fever was up, my chills were back. I was sick. I went home and went to bed, sleeping and waking the rest of the day. At 3:10 p.m. I awoke to hear someone knocking on my door. It was a friend who I believe our God sent so that I could confess to them and ask them to anoint me with oil and pray for me. When we were sitting at the table, I got up and got my Bible and was led to open it to James 5:13-16. I then read it aloud and asked my friend if they would anoint me with oil and pray for my healing. I confessed that I did not only need a physical healing, but also a spiritual healing. After much confessing of the last three days, my friend took the bottle of oil and anointed me, with my many tears and runny nose, and fervently prayed for me. After the prayer had ended, they stayed about ten more minutes. Getting up to go they reached over and put their hand on my head and smiled when they realized that my fever was gone. They have been gone now for about 30 minutes and I am already on the second side of this message. This message that I could not receive Wednesday or all day today. Our God is so faithful when we obey His Word, both His spoken and written Word. Three hours ago I was looking for ways to turn from God. I shared how, for several years now; I have been able to experience Gods presence each minute of the day. However since Tuesday morning I have been all alone and did not experience His voice. Why did this happen? Satan did not like what he saw happen in the jail last Monday night. He knew that Brother Gary had prayer cover and that I was the one to attack. But, God, in His faithfulness sent a friend to pray with and for me and gave me His Word in James 5. Again, when we obey He is faithful always. One point I would like to make in this message is that I need your prayers always, each and every day. When you are doing whatever you do each day or night and God brings me to your memory, say a prayer for me please. You never know what I may be going through, so please keep me in your prayers. God does answer prayers, when we take the time to pray. O Lord, I pray that you put me on many of your faithful prayer warriors hearts today and always. Lord, also give me a burden to pray for them. I ask this Holy Father in The Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, and Savior always, Amen and Amen. †††††††††††††††††††††††††† 05/18/1992 In His Love and Service, Bill Dorman (John 13:34-35) Feel Free to share this or any message I post if God Leads you to.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 23:34:45 +0000

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