Sharing this mornings shock and terror in the hopes that if this - TopicsExpress


Sharing this mornings shock and terror in the hopes that if this happens to any of you, youll remember this post and know not to panic... Woke this morning at 5am to Lucas whimpering and crying on his bed, went in to check on him and he seemed to be having a night terror. He was starting to wake and seemed to be half in and half out of consciousness when he asked me for a drink of water. I got it for him, and when he tried to sit up to drink it... He couldnt. I lifted his upper body to sit him up and he was distressingly floppy. Paul came in and offered to take him to bed with him for awhile as I had to get ready for work, and we realised when he lifted him that poor Lukey had wet the bed.. And that his legs were also floppy and not supporting him, and he clearly had no idea he was wet. I had to clean him up and dress him, and he couldnt do any of it himself! It was absolutely terrifying. He was complaining that he wanted medicine and I asked him why and he said my breathing! And then he told me hed been trying to call out to me to help him but he couldnt move or breathe enough to shout! Paul and I were trying to stay calm and decide if we should take him to the hospital but he slowly seemed to be improving. After ten minutes or so, he could stand with assistance, and I helped him out to the couch to distract him with a tv show while I showered and tried to figure out what to do. He could hold the remote but not control his fingers enough to make it work. He could stand and move his legs but he dragged his feet and was very unsteady, very teary and scared. It was so strange and upsetting! But he was calmed by the tv show so I had my shower. By the time I came back to check on him again, he could walk on his own and seemed more himself. Google tells me that there is a phenomenon called sleep paralysis that is tied in with night terrors. I wish I had known that before this happened, as I felt like my heart was being squeezed and would burst while it was happening!! Apparently the body automatically sort of paralyses us while we sleep to keep us from acting out our dreams. With sleep paralysis, when a person is coming out of REM sleep they can sometimes be waking and yet the body remains in that paralysed state even though consciousness is returning. It can also be accompanied by hallucinations and feelings of terror, like night terrors. My poor sweet baby boy was so scared and so were Paul and I... But thankfully by the time I left for work, he said he was feeing much better and he was able to steadily get up from the lounge and walk to me to give me a hug goodbye. It was seriously hard to walk out the door. Im still teary myself about it but luckily (!! We are sooo lucky!!!) it was temporary and hes now back to his normal self and feeling fine. I so hope that even one person who reads this is warned about it and if it happens to them, its not quite so mind blowing it scary as it was for us this morning. So thankful hes okay!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:56:29 +0000

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