Sharing this well I think he makes sense we all fight ourself fo. - TopicsExpress


Sharing this well I think he makes sense we all fight ourself fo. Within we refuse to talk what we feel when we do becouse protocol says we cant its not about being respectfull or honest I do realize those stuff are needed but Im talking about thoughts about emotions about holding back not doing stuff you want to just couse some one said i U never going to make it just couse someone said its crazy to speak your mind out just couse people say people normally dont do or say stuff why doesnt it kill you from within wake up lifes not a ferry tale its life is Ta reality a d unless you go out run and fight to build up something you will live not your life but somone elses couse you are you no o e else can claim that right no one should be given the right to dictate your behaviour your need your wants hatter will try and bring you down couse they are miserable at how they cant be true to the self they are pussy cats afraid to make a move take a stand brain washed by TV media magazine nothing perfect but you have to fight work for what you want n not buy walking on other not by being mean when you can be you kind or not kind according to your contiousness I am elior not Melanie Kimberly ashlysesay@yahoo or whoever error else I will not comply and be mean selfish egoistic just couse people say world is Grimm it is Grimm but unless we change it from within one step at a time we will never be free never be who we really are n thats worst than being in prison couse at the end of the day if we dont stand up and open our mouths minds and hearts we will be part of the Grimm human forgotten history aka a change dont say you want to and wind up behind a desk writing to others me Im practising g vocals everyday trying g to get my voice back I know it will never be like be4 but imma make it better than b4 I quit smoking more than a year ago I dont drink more than I should or get drunk anymore I do my sports my thichi and practice it sucks at times its hard at times but I do it Ive been threw shit but I had a huge helping hand that Im certain god had send which I wont ever be able to thank enough all those wo helped me these past times Im not proud I know that to be a winner in somthing you have to try fail try again humble and say I cant on my own say Im not strong enough or I dont know say sorry when its Its needed I know that to be ones see la is a continuous fight every secound minut and hour of the day getting over a thousand different emotions feeling alone is en eve table even with thousands around you all Im saying is fight be who you are and dont ever gi e up follow your dreams un top and beyond but without hurting or walking over people people will hate you think your fake like Jhon le non said the more real you get the more unreal you are to people or somthing like that its true the more your honest people will think your a lier a font naive or pure dumb the more you help people will say its not good think of yourself the more you grow you realize you cant expect nothing from no one but you but if there is somone who helps you keep them written down and return them a favor make Sur to never take anything for granted heres a long filosofic book the world is what you make it the world is what. You imagin it to be no one sees threw your eye the world as you do if you want somthing stop wanting and do somthing you are responsible le for your own choices water they lead to mistakes or not forgive yourself and make up for your mistakes but dont over do if a mistake is dont its not your foult you didnt mean for it its imperfection the one to blame but do not totally wash your hand remember not to make it again you are who you choose to be from this moment on dont compare yourself to others or to people you are you n. E autism unique your mistakes were unique dont be a shame to say no to traditions couse you are not your job your tribe you race your living or birth place religion or anything that you do or have qualifications to by defining you as all 4 he above you forget who is the you behind it you define yourself as not unique to fit in but god made u unique respect it so if somone ask you who are you dont respond Im a newyurky or a Broxton girl dont dine you by somthing we always change people always are constantly changing we dont know who we will be tomorrow we have no defenition or race we change with emotions and physically we change even be order food watter we are somthing but not defined made in god image he said I am that I am yep preaty much describes who we are doesnt it ????
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:28:09 +0000

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