Sharing you this Generals Thoughts... On International - TopicsExpress


Sharing you this Generals Thoughts... On International Terrorism, the Nations Rebel groups, the World Military Powers, Building Alliances, the UN and PEACE, , as I see them.. Terrorism,is the biggest threat to National and Intentional Security. WARS and Conflicts are politically motivated and is a political warfare among groups and Nations for the purposes of survival and defense, to establish hegemony and expansionism or to gain more power, wealth and territories. All it takes to achieve these goals, is to invest on arms, equipment, hardware, software, munitions, well-trained special forces and effective strategies, to operate an effective psychological warfare in the media, the show of strength and might in terms of equipment and capabilities in land, air, water and in the cyber space. The latest terrorist group is the ISIS, which is a very sophisticated group according to the US CIA. It has a very sophisticated weaponry and is well supported financially. And so, it means that it is supported by a wealthy country like the United States, the USSR or China. The assumption therefore is, the ISIS is a terrorist group organized to serve the interest of the wealthy countries, the Nation with military might, a Superpower. No other country in the world right now has the financial capacity and military power that can facilitate the organization of a terrorist group against established Governments wanted to be destroyed by Super and the Military Powers of the World. Common sense makes sense. Just as the Al Queda was an alleged creation of the CIA until it later, become their own enemy and created its own terrorists forces, built networks and cells around the world from among the Nations rebels, syndicates and local terrorists groups. In the Philippines, for example, the Abu-Sayaf, is the Al Quedas network, which originally were from the MNLF and the MILF, all other Nations terrorists and rebels groups also become such. As reported, the ISIS is continuously recruiting Youths around the World to join them. Terrorism and rebellion is a political warfare and in politics, there are no permanent friends nor enemies. Every powerful Nation, employ their own strategies to protect and promote their interests to the World while every smaller and weaker Nations, are left with no choice but, to choose which super and military power, will they side and become allied with, to help then in the event of foreign attack, aggression and maybe a World War. . Israel for instance, is the only Democracy and Non- Islam Nation in the middle east, hence, it must come out very strong militarily, in its security, defense and survival strategies. The Islamic Nations too, has many Islam fanatics among their people and will really die for their Faith which are exploited some more by the terrorists and extremists groups to help in their cause for it is the Islam faith that is being destroyed and attacked by the non- Islam and powerful States. The Political warfare is riding on the conflict of religions.Yet, at the end of the day, nations at war are destroying their own countries and are killing their own people where the victims are the vulnerable, the Women and the young Children. The United Nations, is facing now this biggest challenge of preventing and stopping the escalating wars and conflicts which have threatened not only the mass destruction of Nations and mass murder of their people and the danger of annihilating the entire of Humanity. The UN is now facing the biggest tests and challenges in preserving, promoting and in defending World Peace. But, the UN must now change its posture,from a merely reactive organization of Nations, to become a Pro-Active and very influential World Voice of PEACE. The UN Secretary- General must not only be a Leader with a Kind and a peace-loving heart but, must be a very influential voice to the members of the UN Security Council, who are the super and military powers of the World. The World citizens, the people of every Nation too,must be awakened in electing their Nations Leaders who are pro-peace and anti-war. What the World needs now, are Leaders who are Peace-makers, Restorers, Healers and Humane in their hearts. For they are the Leaders of every Nation, who will decide and choose between going to war or to work for Peace! In the hands of our World Leaders,is the fate of Humanity and the continuous existence of a Peaceful and a livable World. Since wars were created in the minds of men, therefore, it is also in the minds of men, that the defenses of Peace must be constructed- UNESCO Constitution. So, help us Dear ALLAH and GOD!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:00:17 +0000

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