Shari’s Words of Wisdom: I woke up crazy early the other - TopicsExpress


Shari’s Words of Wisdom: I woke up crazy early the other morning and it was way too early for breakfast! I made myself a coffee and did laundry, sorted through my mail (online and regular mail that still comes to my house!) straightened up my desk and even did some paper work, but by 6:30 a.m. I was done! I was thinking of what to have and decided that it was a good time to make steel cut oats. I don’t make this often enough probably because it isn’t quick like oatmeal or cereal from a box, it’s best cooked on top of the stove. But I have to tell you, it’s so good and leaves me feeling so satisfied and full until lunchtime that I really should remember to make it more often. Being that I was up and so not ready to eat yet, it was the perfect time to make this amazing breakfast! Steel cut oats are the whole oat groats that are cut up in tiny pieces and they have a nuttier flavor than regular oatmeal. The ratio to cook it is 1 cup of oats to 4 1/4 cups of water. You can add anything to it – I put a sprinkle of cinnamon, a little vanilla extract and chop up a few Medjool dates to add some sweetness to it. The possibilities are endless – you can add some chopped walnuts, grated apples, other dried or fresh fruit, flax seeds, even a dash of your favorite sweetener – honey or maple syrup. One cup of dry steel cut oats you will give you 4 servings so have one serving for your breakfast and then put the other three in individual containers. You can store them in your fridge for up to a week, grab a container and bring it to work with you, or even make more and freeze it individually! You can even make it the night before in your Crock-Pot!!! Just another breakfast idea that you can make work in your lifestyle and since it can be made ahead of time, it ensures that you have a hearty, healthy breakfast ready!! Wish you could have smelled my kitchen as it was cooking!! Mmmmmm warm and yummy☺ I’d love to hear from you! Do you make Steel Cut oats? What are your favorite combinations? Please share below your ideas and what works for you in the comments below!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:42:34 +0000

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