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Sharon Bird likes a link. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like Page Stephen Jones for Throsby Kick in the guts for the region today with nearly 29,000 local homes and businesses slated for NBN rollout vanishing from the map at This is a complete betrayal by Minister Turnbull and the Coalition Government. Read the full statement I released with Memberfor Cunningham Sharon Bird today on the issue. Put us back on the map Malcolm Stephen Jones MP For Throsby Like · · Share · 941 · about an hour ago · Top Comments Sharon Bird and 8 others like this... 1 share. Sonya McConville Write a comment... . Sonya McConville this has been the case for many many many years.... most of the Wollongong regime are in the group of an, all a disadvantage society basically Wollongong typifies a ghost town whereby only a minor few have some kind of sustainational income - further to that is most of the Wollongong regional people do not have a well paid secure salary as you do!! just for interest what are you on, what is your salary plus life time income and entitlements when or if you leave politics? please please let us know - hum? that is if you are game... and dont push it onto an advise us to go to another web sight - just let us know..... this is what the majority of Wollongong people are aiming to reach for just as you are... hard woking..caring for others.... working for the regime with pay.... etc etc ... the main point is we are not on a wage/salary as you are, a paid politican with a salary/life time safety net as you will be entitled for or are aiming for:, hence with all the frindge benefits - benefits that the majority of our community could only dream about or could just not imagine.... this is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so please, help my god.xxxxx If we all enjoyed the environment that most pollies have, with all the good and bad, we would be a lot happier and healthier .... newstart/no-start/ low income/no-income-working on contract/ the same working in a mine... here today-gone to-morrow.... employment that will not paid much more that welfare payment...etc yadda yadda yadda.....
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:00:44 +0000

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