Sharon said, I was diagnosed with obesity, hypothyroidism, - TopicsExpress


Sharon said, I was diagnosed with obesity, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, anemia, sleep apnea, polycythemia, high cholesterol, venous stasis, edema, reflux, allergies, asthma, neuropathy & restless leg. I quit doing and enjoying anything that took any energy. I spent more money than I even want to know on medications & doctors. My bad health affected me physically, mentally & spiritually. If you have never had a chronic illness you will not understand that statement. ~Read how Sharons life has changed since finding Plexus! Here is Sharons story. Over the past years I gained weight, a lot of it and I gained it steadily. No matter how careful I tried to be I couldn’t take off an ounce but continued to gain. I developed one health problem after another until I felt like I was 100 years old and I was existing in survival mode only. I was old beyond my years and went through the motions of life without really being a part of it. During this time I was diagnosed with obesity, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, anemia, sleep apnea, polycythemia, high cholesterol, venous stasis, edema, reflux, allergies, asthma, neuropathy & restless leg. I quit doing and enjoying anything that took any energy. I used up all my sick time at work a day at a time. At one point I had my legs wrapped for 3 months from problems with bad circulation caused by venous stasis & diabetes. That was an extremely low point. I had a great fear of losing my legs. I had so much weight to lose I didn’t know how to begin. I had no energy, no metabolism, and no hope. I spent more money than I even want to know on medications & doctors. My bad health affected me physically, mentally & spiritually. If you have never had a chronic illness you will not understand that statement. If you don’t – be thankful! One day I finally mentioned something to the doctor that caused him to test my thyroid. I told him that I felt I was moving through sludge. To raise my arms, legs or head was an effort. Never underestimate the affects of a bad thyroid! Even after almost 2 years of Synthroid adjustments I was no better. Still dragging and going bald in an old body with old, dry skin. A friend mentioned she took Armour – a natural drug which comes from a pig’s thyroid. I asked the doctor to try it and the first day I felt a twinge of life. I began losing weight immediately. This was my first step toward getting healthy & getting my life back. I lost weight steadily for 9 months, then the weight quit coming off. I even gained back some that I had lost. The end of September I heard of Plexus. Plexus is most natural supplements that suppresses your appetite, balances blood sugars, lowers cholesterol & lipid levels and burns fat. I was leery because I didn’t want jitteriness, heart palpitations and something that would keep me up at night. It has been none of that. The drink is so natural & healthy that children, pregnant & nursing women can drink it. It is most natural. I no longer crave carbs, sweets & colas so that I can now make more healthy choices. I have not felt deprived with my choices because I don’t crave the foods. I am 60 and I feel better than I did at 40! I sleep better than I ever remember and I wake up refreshed. I am now off Metformin, Actos & Lipitor. I am now using the other health supplements Plexus offers and I am totally sold on the benefits from them. I believe that if I would have testing done now for anemia, sleep apnea & polycythemia they would all be normal. I know that I still have a long way to go, but I have come such a long, long way! At my age, I am not worried about ever being skinny – as a matter of fact I never was that! But I am all for getting my health back. So when you see my posts about better health, please rejoice with me. I am really more low key about this than y’all know! No one but me knows how sick I was. For my restored health I am humbly grateful. Thank you Lord for another chance at this……. Sharon said, I was diagnosed with obesity, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, anemia, sleep apnea, polycythemia, high cholesterol, venous stasis, edema, reflux, allergies, asthma, neuropathy & restless leg. I quit doing and enjoying anything that took any energy. I spent more money than I even want to know on medications & doctors. My bad health affected me physically, mentally & spiritually. If you have never had a chronic illness you will not understand that statement. ~Read how Sharons life has changed since finding Plexus! Here is Sharons story. Over the past years I gained weight, a lot of it and I gained it steadily. No matter how careful I tried to be I couldn’t take off an ounce but continued to gain. I developed one health problem after another until I felt like I was 100 years old and I was existing in survival mode only. I was old beyond my years and went through the motions of life without really being a part of it. During this time I was diagnosed with obesity, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, anemia, sleep apnea, polycythemia, high cholesterol, venous stasis, edema, reflux, allergies, asthma, neuropathy & restless leg. I quit doing and enjoying anything that took any energy. I used up all my sick time at work a day at a time. At one point I had my legs wrapped for 3 months from problems with bad circulation caused by venous stasis & diabetes. That was an extremely low point. I had a great fear of losing my legs. I had so much weight to lose I didn’t know how to begin. I had no energy, no metabolism, and no hope. I spent more money than I even want to know on medications & doctors. My bad health affected me physically, mentally & spiritually. If you have never had a chronic illness you will not understand that statement. If you don’t – be thankful! One day I finally mentioned something to the doctor that caused him to test my thyroid. I told him that I felt I was moving through sludge. To raise my arms, legs or head was an effort. Never underestimate the affects of a bad thyroid! Even after almost 2 years of Synthroid adjustments I was no better. Still dragging and going bald in an old body with old, dry skin. A friend mentioned she took Armour – a natural drug which comes from a pig’s thyroid. I asked the doctor to try it and the first day I felt a twinge of life. I began losing weight immediately. This was my first step toward getting healthy & getting my life back. I lost weight steadily for 9 months, then the weight quit coming off. I even gained back some that I had lost. The end of September I heard of Plexus. Plexus is most natural supplements that suppresses your appetite, balances blood sugars, lowers cholesterol & lipid levels and burns fat. I was leery because I didn’t want jitteriness, heart palpitations and something that would keep me up at night. It has been none of that. The drink is so natural & healthy that children, pregnant & nursing women can drink it. It is most natural. I no longer crave carbs, sweets & colas so that I can now make more healthy choices. I have not felt deprived with my choices because I don’t crave the foods. I am 60 and I feel better than I did at 40! I sleep better than I ever remember and I wake up refreshed. I am now off Metformin, Actos & Lipitor. I am now using the other health supplements Plexus offers and I am totally sold on the benefits from them. I believe that if I would have testing done now for anemia, sleep apnea & polycythemia they would all be normal. I know that I still have a long way to go, but I have come such a long, long way! At my age, I am not worried about ever being skinny – as a matter of fact I never was that! But I am all for getting my health back. So when you see my posts about better health, please rejoice with me. I am really more low key about this than y’all know! No one but me knows how sick I was. For my restored health I am humbly grateful. Thank you Lord for another chance at this……. GO to plexusslim/tsanchez
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:10:58 +0000

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