Shaun McCahill. Letterkenny but believed to be in and out of - TopicsExpress


Shaun McCahill. Letterkenny but believed to be in and out of Derry/Londerry sometimes. Monster dad who brutally assaulted his baby walks free from court. This is the dad from hell who walked free from court despite brain damaging his baby daughter. Maniac Shaun McCahill, 21, will not serve a day in prison after sickeningly shaking his crying nine-week-old girl. The defenceless tot’s ribs were also cracked in the horrific attacks. But a judge said he could not jail the thug - and gave him community service instead. He told McCahill, who has since tried to kill himself: “The upset and crying of the baby was driving him mad. I know now that he knows it was the wrong thing to do but I don’t think he will ever do it again.” At Letterkenny Circuit Court in Donegal , McCahill, from Ramelton in Donegal, admitted three counts of assault causing harm. He shook the baby girl on three occasions, twice with his hands and once in her pram. Investigating Garda Joe McManus said the accused was minding the child on May 19, 2011, when she took ill. McCahill had placed the baby on the sofa and she was sleeping but she began to suffer convulsions. He called an ambulance and they were rushed to Letterkenny General Hospital. The child, now aged two-and-a-half, was later transferred to Temple Street Children’s Hospital in Dublin, where older injuries were discovered. Social services along and doctors carried out examinations and decided that the injuries were not accidental. The father then admitted he shook the little girl on three separate occasions because he could not stop her crying. He was arrested and has since received full psychiatric evaluation and counselling. The court also heard how the man rarely goes out and has tried to kill himself. Judge John O’Hagan invited the mother to give evidence. He asked her if she thought her former boyfriend meant to hurt their daughter. The woman replied that she honestly couldn’t say. The judge then asked if he thought an occasion will ever arise when the man will be able to see his daughter unsupervised? Again the woman said she did not know but said he did have supervised access when the little girl stayed with his parents at weekends from Friday night until Sunday night. The accused sat face down with his hands in his head throughout the case while the woman sobbed on the other side of the courtroom. Barrister for McCahill, Charlotte Simpson, said the accused felt sick and ashamed of what he had done and would have to live with it for the rest of his life. She said the case was unique and the accused was and still is a good father. She added that the little girl’s dad was still her hero and she ran to him every weekend and hugged him every time he stayed with her. Judge O’Hagan said that having heard all the evidence he said there was no way he was imposing a custodial sentence. He said the mother was in no way to blame and would not have known but for the admission of the accused. He referred to the lack of intent, the reports which suggest he is unlikely to re-offend and also his good relationship with his little girl. “This is a very emotional case. It’s a tragic case of a dad who lost it. “He was faced with a situation of a little girl crying and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. “He picked her up twice and shook her but of course that didn’t keep her quiet. He’s 21. What experience of fatherhood does a person have of that age? I don’t know. It’s very stressful for anyone. “I’m sure he had no idea what he was doing but the consequences are rather serious. A nine-week-old baby is like putty and this happened. I have no doubt he did not intend this to happen.” The judge added that McCahill will have to live with the social stigma or what happened and knowing everyday that he caused these injuries to his little girl. He referred to the psychiatric report which showed a lack of intent in the incidents. Judge O’Hagan said he also perhaps faced the situation of one day having to tell his daughter what he did to her. “How would you explain to the little girl where daddy had gone – daddy has gone to prison for 12 months for shaking you when you were crying,” he said. “His remorse is almost palpable and the prospects of rehabilitation is excellent. “The probation report is one of my positive I have ever seen.” He sentenced the man to a year in prison on each charge to run concurrently but ordered that the jail sentence be replaced by 150 hours’ community service. The accused sat in court crying comforted by his mother and father while the child’s mother was consoled by two female friends. Please share any abuse of a child is terrible especially this kind.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:52:50 +0000

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