Shawna, thats sweet. Im not against people using facebook to talk - TopicsExpress


Shawna, thats sweet. Im not against people using facebook to talk about their problems - I do it sometimes too. Im talking about what people chose to share with everyone. For instance - what is the point of sharing negative stories like welfare mother of 25 kidsis mad because she wants her food stamps to pay for vodka or any number of completely un-uplifting stories that are out there. Unless of course they are sharing this because they have a solution. The world is in such a sad state. I personally battle with depression - so thinking happy is not my first thought - Im working at it - so instead of searching out the bad news stories to share on FB, why not search out the good stuff? Why not shine a spotlight on the good things that happen all around us? We certainly cant expect our politicians and world leaders to change the state of our world - but collectively - the people, together can do a lot towards uplifting the general mood and attitude of the people. And happy people are contagious - and happy people dont snap and go on rampages. Does this make sense? I just feel it starts with us, with each of us. Im not talking about burying our heads in the sand, and Im not saying that people shouldnt share their health issues, or personal trials and tribulations (I built a whole blog around that, which turned into a book!) or things like that - but to just as a whole, a collective, mass effort of people to try to fill their minds up with things that are right and good all around us. Too much focus is on all the stuff that is wrong and all the bad stuff that happens. If we can, each one of us, start spreading the happy, inspiring news, I truly feel that things can turn around. It starts with all of us, as individuals. Id love to hear others thoughts on this. Would anyone else want to join me in my challenge to share at least two happy things on their facebook wall each day? Happy news stories, or personal stories, or something uplifting..
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 02:10:42 +0000

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