Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah) on the Issue of Palestine: Q: - TopicsExpress


Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah) on the Issue of Palestine: Q: What is the way of solving the Palestinian issue which becomes more complicated each day? A: The Muslim is deeply grieved and filled with sorrow as the Palestinian situation goes from bad to worse, and gets more complicated, until it has ended up in the state we have seen in recent days, because of differences among neighbouring nations and their failure to stand together as one against the enemy and their failure to adhere to the rule of Islam on which Allaah has made victory dependent, and has promised those who adhere to it that they will gain power and become powerful in the land, and has warned of grave danger and a severe punishment, if the neighbouring nations do not hasten to unite once more and adhere to the Islamic ruling concerning this matter, which concerns them and the entire Islamic world. It is worth pointing out in this context that the Palestinian issue is an Islamic issue, first and last, but the enemies of Islam are striving their utmost to remove it from the Islamic map and make the non-Arab Muslims think that it is an Arab issue that does not concern the non-Arabs. It seems that they have succeeded in that to some extent. Hence I think that a solution cannot be reached in this matter unless it is regarded as an Islamic issue and the Muslims cooperate to find a solution, and wage an Islamic jihad against the Jews, until the land is given back to its people and the Jewish immigrants go back to the countries from which they came, and the original Jewish inhabitants stay in their towns under Islamic rule, not communist or secular rule. In this manner truth will prevail and falsehood will be defeated, and the people whose land it is will return to their land under Islamic rule and none other. And Allaah is the source of strength. [Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, part 1, p. 1259] Shaykh Nasiruddin Al-Albani commenting on a similar question: But the problem – and this is the heart of the matter – is that there is no one amongst us who is capable of undertaking (this jihad). Why? Because we are drowning in sins, and drowning in sectarian differences and national differences, and we know that one of the doorways to weakness and defeat is that the Muslims differ amongst themselves. ...And due to this we mention now, that it is upon the Muslim youth as individuals and groups and sects that they spread the correct Islamic awareness in the lands firstly, and then in the rulers secondly – and that (correct understanding) is that all of these people rule by what Allaah has revealed. [] However, as American Muslims, education is the key. Muslims need to collectively be vocal about such atrocities and show their colleagues and friends the real face of Israeli aggression. This can be done by frequently forwarding relevant news items, or sharing them on Facebook or Twitter. Collectively, we CAN make a difference. Some very enlightening education material: aljazeera/programmes/specialseries/2013/05/20135612348774619.html https://youtube/watch?v=bm7dMhE80dw O Allah! Protect our Muslim brothers in Syria, Burma, Palestine, Iraq, and everywhere O Lord of the world, heaven and earth, O Allah! Be on their side; mend their defeat, have mercy on their weakness, feed their hungry people, clothe those without clothes amongst them, and be on their side with Your generosity, O Lord of the world, heaven and earth; provide them with your support, O Allah! Provide them with your support, O Allah! Provide them with your support, and grant them your victory. O Allah! Restore to the best the conditions of our Muslim brothers everywhere, O Allah! Grant them victory in Palestine over the aggressive Zionists, O Allah! Save Al-Aqsa mosque from the claws of the aggressive Zionists!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 03:49:14 +0000

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