Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad db Itikaf bayan - 19th July - TopicsExpress


Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad db Itikaf bayan - 19th July 2014 Etiquettes of being at Rawza Mubarak: Dont take any photos Dont raise your voice Make dua to Allah swt Do not make dua to Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam Apologise to Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam that you dont have the right connection, that you didnt follow the sunnah. Imam Qasim Nanotwi went to visit the Rawza Mubarak. Before he even had the drink of love, he was in love already. To go to the Rawza Mubarak, you should be preparing from many years from beforehand, not just one week before. People arrive there, and have never thought about Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam before in there lives and so they dont know what to say. Once your feeling at the rawza has gone, leave, dont stand there in gaflah. People of Allah have a spiritual bath before going there and adopt ishqe nabi before going there. For some people its like when they dont want to go to someones house when they dont even know them. We should read Durood with love and feelings. These are things to learn in life. Etiquettes of going to Medina is not something you can learn in an hour workshop before going for Umrah. We should follow and adopt sunnah lifestyle to instil the seed of love in our heart for Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam. Signs of sweetness of eman: 1. You feel the pleasure in worship 2. You love only for Allahs sake - Its a blessing, and make dua for it, say it properly “ini uhibuki fillah” and learn the answer to this if someone says it to you 3. You would hate to go back to kufr after eman, as much as you would hate to be thrown in hell fire. Dont mock others, its not allowed. Eg joking about physical appearance, or because they cannot speak English properly, calling names, silently mocking with eye contact, eye gestures. May Allah not ask us on the day of judgement because we have been told believers dont do this, ie dont mock, kaun maqbool hain? Kaun Mardood hain? We will only know when deeds are measured who is accepted and who is rejected. Allah is saying sit with those who remember Allah a lot, pure people. If we become like this Rasoolullah sallAllahu Wasalam will want to sit with us on the day of judgement. So dont mock someone as you dont know if they are maqbool in Allahs eyes. Dont laugh behind someones back, e.g. they sent you food with so much sincerity and we think we are better than them, not accepting their efforts and sincerity. We never look at our own faults, and we are always praising our own selves. We need to work on ourselves, on our nafs. We can joke, but dont hurt anyones feelings. Dont exaggerate, lying in jokes is not allowed and lying is not allowed. We say 2 minutes, but we know its not going to be 2 minutes. This is a lie. Save yourselves from lies. Angels run away from the foul smell that comes from our mouths when we lie. We scare children from the jinns and baba Its all lies and not allowed. Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam was so careful with his words and not to hurt anyone. A daughter in law was making ata, kneeding the dough. Mother in law Wanted to find a fault. So she said to her why do you move so much when making the ata?. The mother in law was just so desperate to find faults on the daughter in law, (its a joke). Our problems are gifts to us and Allah wants to give himself to those who are patient. There is BIG reward for a BIG problem when there is patience. Remember your own days of ignorance before judging others and finding faults in others. What if they did true tawbah and you are still finding faults in them and in their past? “Wa maa haayaathadunya ilaa mathaaal garoor” - The life we are living in, it removes us from the truth, so its called a delusion. It deludes the intelligent ones. Like you are travelling on a plane and but you forgot your charger. You go to the airport shops and instead of looking for chargers you start looking at the new phones to please your wife. You get so deluded by talking to the ship assistant that you get deluded and miss your flight. Zaroorath ko maqsad banana, (making the necessary things your purpose in life) is the delusion: good house, clothes, wife, car are necessities, but this is not the purpose of life. Life was given so that we strive for the hereafter. Some things are important, some are urgent. We forget the urgent whilst doing the important. We need to get our priorities right. At a wedding, a baraath was leaving, but they forgot to do the nikkah - deluded. Women in kitchen all day, kitchen is a necessity and not a purpose in life and certain women can always be found in the kitchen - Doaka Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam said the one who remembers death most and prepares for it the most, these are the intellectual ones. One man read 200 rakats nafl every night in tahujjad, he was a king. Another king read Durood 5000 times every day as he lessened his Zaroorath (necessary things) and increased their purpose of life. Our salaf valued each moment. Our ulama say that even the breath that was spent in gaflath was kufr. Thinking desires are Zaroori, this is also delusion. Desires are to be fulfilled in next world, not this world. House, spouse. Transport and servant - if you have these you are a king. So basically we are living lives of kings and must do shukr to Allah. “O Allah give me food only one time” - Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam prayed this, he never ate 2 meals in a day, and stayed hungry for days. Allah asked Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam through jibrail (as) - “do you want to live like a king or as a servant of Allah?”, he chose the latter and made dua - “O Allah let me live as a miskeen and die as miskeen, and be raised with miskeen”. If we are satisfied with less things in this world, Allah will be satisfied with less deeds. Time will pass, whether you live in a small house or a palace. Whether you eat 7 course meal, or one course meal. Poor will enter jannah 500 years before the rich. We can sleep on a soft bed but dont forget tahujjad, dont forget our purpose. Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam said: “I am like a traveller, staying under shade of a tree for a short while”. Worry about what will happen to the kids after they die. Instead father thinks what will happen to the kids once I die. We have forgotten the purpose. We are deluded and think that If I fulfil my desires I have achieved something, delusion! Success is: 1. To save yourself from hell and enter jannah 2. Attaining pleasure of Allah 3. Attaining taqwa 4. Attaining eman is taqwa. This is success. Woman are worried about either not getting marriage proposal, or after marriage worried about kids and then after kids they say kid not studying, and after that they will complain I need spouse for my kids. Then all kids get married and they still they complain! Daughter in law not good, then complaints about grandchildren, problems all life! Our real problems will start after death. We need to wake up. Dunya ka gam worry, it is not real worry, and our problems in our life are mostly because of our sins. If we leave the sins, Allah will resolve our matters. If a child is dirty we wash child with soap. We dirty ourselves with sins, Allah doesnt like this, so problems are sent to wash us. Pure is that zaath that calls us back through problems we remember Allah more in problems. Worry grief, problems Wake us up. Stop sins your life will be like jannah, your duas are accepted, no problems. That man who feared standing before his lord 2 jannahs, some scholars say his life will also become like jannah, happiness, joy, peace, and tranquillity. They lift their hands and duas are accepted. We think this is best status that mans duas are accepted, but they say there is an even higher status than this, and that is when the dua desire is in the heart. He doesnt even raise his hands and the dua desire is accepted by Allah, subhanAllah! These are friends of Allah of the top level! O Allah make us also please, Ameen. Alone in the grave, on day of qiyamah, when there will be no other shade, these are our times of need. The salaf us saaliheen were preparing for these times of needs. Some will be sitting on mimbars on that day. The day of qiyamah will be like 2 minutes for them. We cannot tolerate standing in lines in this world, Eg at immigration when in Saudi, how will we tolerate heat on that day? Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam had one good outfit, which he kept wearing. As for food, he would eat residue from pots happily. As for sleep he had only one cloth/sheet for summer and winter and was always preparing for the hereafter. This world is a dhoaka, delusion. Not saying dont live in dunya, but its temporary. May Allah save us from the delusion of this world, remember whats important, and whats urgent. May Allah help us to prepare for the next life, ameen “Fiqr ki gandaghi dhikr say saaf hoti hain” - Dhikr helps in clearing our dirty thoughts A man wanted to make a house. It is made perfectly and so the next person didnt need to do anything to it. Just like that the fiqh is perfect. Today people are trying to do ijtihad, its not a kids game. There were pious people who understood the shariah. Shariah was their second nature. Only 4 schools. Today we have found a fifth school called imam Google, Allahu akbar. The 4 imams of fiqh are our muhsin, they made the kheer, pudding, all we have to do is eat it. Hum tho lakeer kay faqeer hain. Trust those with Ilm, this is taqleed. Its a verse of the Quran, follow him who has turned to us. Shariah is protected, follow the imam in your locality, for fiqh, dont find your answer from Internet, gumrahee. One man was a doctor, he said Im as smart as Imam Abu Hanifa (ra). Hazrat asked him a simple question of how many verses one has to read in salaah. He then realised how much of a jaahil he was. Dont do fiqr in Allahs zaath, we cannot comprehend HIM. Instead do gaur on the creation. Once a man saw stars and was amazed and understood Allahs azmath and greatness. So his sins were forgiven. He had recited: “subhanaka ma kalaqtha hadha baatila” - then you get Marifath. Signs of Allah in every thing, in all of creation. Every second day science is now testifying what quran said over 1400 years ago. Fiqr is greatest worship, stay silent and ponder over the beauty and power of Allah in the creation. Fiqr is better than worship of whole night. Fiqr is a way of jannah, pure heart leads to seeing Allahs power and greatness in everything when your fiqr is pure you remember the greatness of Allah everywhere. If you go into the detail of everything you will see indeed Allah made it. First measure it then speak pehlay thoalo, Phir bolo. Imam Shafi (ra) ate food once and said the food was full of noor, subhanAllah, from one hadith he was able to take out answers to 25 questions, he didnt sleep all night, he did gaur and fiqr the whole night. Another scholar Imam Muhammad also kept waking up all night, doing gaur and fiqr. From one verse they were able to find answers to 100 questions. But you have to do dhikr katheer to get this fiqr, Fiqr qalb ka chiraag hain? How fiqr today is dirty, purify the fiqr with dhikr, then you will get Allahs qurb and marifath Our fiqr today is dirty. Benefits of fiqr - you get shara sadr, dil will open, when your fiqr becomes saleem. Do dhikr in katheer, may our fiqr become pure, may we get a qalb saleem. “O Allah bless us with your marifath, enlighten us with your noor, fill out our hearts with your love”. Ameen! Do Isthigfar and Durood everyday. Do Muraqaba for 30 minutes, will help you increase your love for Him and will help you to do good deeds. Dunya ka mela chaar din.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:12:28 +0000

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