Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said: ‘As for - TopicsExpress


Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah- said: ‘As for the people who worship with Bida’, then the Shaytaan beautifies these acts of worship for them and makes them hate the paths of the Sharia’ until he makes them hate knowledge, the Qur’aan and Hadeeth. So they do not like to listen to the Qur’aan and Hadeeth nor do they like to remember it, and perhaps they are caused to hate books so they do not love books nor the one who has a book, whether it is a Mus’haf or a book of Hadeeth. Just as an-Nasrabaadthi said, the Soofeeyah used to say: ‘How can you leave the knowledge of (al-Kharq- a type of clothing that is specific to the Soofeeyah) and take the knowledge of the Sharia’ and knowledge!’ He said: ‘I used to hide my writing materials from them but when I became older they were in need of my knowledge.’ As-Siree as–Saqtee mentioned that one of the Soofeeyah entered upon him and when he saw that he had a pen and ink he left and did not sit with him…..and many of the Soofeeyah frighten away those who mention the Qur’aan or the Sharia’, or if he has a book with him or if he writes. This is because they feel that this type of person has in him something that oppresses his Tareeqah (path) so their Shayateen make them flee from knowledge, just as a Jew and a Christian causes his son to flee from listening to the speech of the Muslims so that he does not change his belief of his religion. Likewise, the people of Nuh would place their fingers in their ears and cover themselves up with their garments so that they could not hear his speech or see him. Allaah Ta’ala said about the Mushrikeen: « And those who disbelieve say: ‘Listen not to this Qur’aan, and make noise in the midst of its (recitation) that you may overcome.’» [Fussilat: 26] And Allaah Ta’ala said: «Then what is wrong with them (i.e. the disbelievers) that they turn away from (receiving) admonition? As if they were frightened (wild) donkeys. » [al-Mudathir: 49-50] And they are from those people who are most wanting to listen and hear Bida’, like the listening of musical instruments and they are the furthermost to listening to that which is from the Sharia’; like the listening of the Ayaat of Allaah -Ta’ala.’ [Taken from ‘Majmoo’ Fatawa’ vol. 10/412-413]
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:46:28 +0000

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