Shaykh waseullah on boycotting israeli products Translation by - TopicsExpress


Shaykh waseullah on boycotting israeli products Translation by humza mullick ... Questioner phones Shaykh Wasiullah asking him to repeat what he, Shaykh Wasiullah , had just said as his recording did not work properly when he was asking a question about boycotting Israeli goods. Shaykh Wasiullah: Your question is (Shaykh stops to say Bismillah Arrahman nirraheem) can we, in order to help our Palestinian brothers, boycott Israeli goods Questioner: Yes Shaykh Shaykh Wasiullah: I say that you are in a haqumut (here meaning land) where you can do this and it is for this reason that I say in reality you can do this ( boycott) in order to aid your brothers and it could be that Israel……Recording not clear… You may choose not buy their (Israeli) goods and boycott them, but to go out into the streets and demonstrate, then you cannot do this. Get the big scholars of your country or the intellectuals/thinkers, to meet with the members of parliament and tell the government (of that land) about what you intend in order to help the oppressed Muslims (people of Gazza, Palestine). You can do this, but do not demonstrate and stay away from the bad things and mistakes that you find in demonstrations. Stay away from that, as we can achieve our goals/objectives without that. But where we find bad things happening or errors that they (your government) do not like, they will stop it. But where you are allowed to do these things (i.e boycotting/going to the government), then you can do that InshaaAllah Questioner: Should we primarily give a request to the government? Shaykh Wasiullah: The influential people should get together, the educated, the university managers or members of parliament like yourselves, can raise this issue with you government so that you concern can reach them. Questioner: Is it better that this boycott done with cooperation of other jamaahs ( groups) Shaykh Wasiullah: All of you can do that. You can join with other groups and do this Questioner: Apart from this what else can we do for the oppressed in Palestine ( Gazza) Shaykh Wasiullah: Dua and Qunoot. Ask Allah that He removes these sufferings from them and that He removes their enemies from them. You can also give financial assistance. You must do this.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:16:02 +0000

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