She deleted and blocked me. But i still saw what she posted. News - TopicsExpress


She deleted and blocked me. But i still saw what she posted. News flash. Shes lying. Again. Gordy has had poa over his mom for a couple of years. She failed to mention that. Shes been trying to get it so she can sell that shack for 15K. Gordy is who gets the house. Ask my mom or Betty. They both know the real truth. She whines she dont get nothing. She demanded $$ the day her dad was buried. Her inheritance. From what ssi? While he was in hospital she had her dementia mother get her a loan for 5k and never paid it back like she promised from her back pay from disability. Her dad told her no but she didnt want a No she wanted $ and didnt care. She got her fat butt kicked out of the nursing home last Wednesday. She failed to post that. So I will. Our Aunt wrote and told on her butt to her mother. She screamed and cussed her mom out. Great daughter aint she?. NOT! Called my mom whining and when she got handed the truth her 16yr old daughter cussed my mom out. She can go back to Cali where she was cause her daughter didnt want to move 2yrs ago when her husband did. Shes a money hungry brat.. Her oldest was raised by her mom cause she herself kept trying to put him in the state hospital. Hes a good kid and her mom knew it. She stoled Gordys and her moms $. Her excuse for closing the bank acct is just that an excuse. To make all of you believe Gordy was screwing up. He had to get rides to and from hospital and nursing home til his truck got fix. She never allowed him to go with her or borrow her car. Ask him. He may ramble on but hes telling the truth. Listen closely to him. Shes been trying since she got back to be POA. Not to help her mom but to help herself to gain control of $ and to sell that house. Which their mom has been saying for years, Gordy is to get it. Time will prove where that money was spent and it was not on her mom. Ins pays for medical, medicine and for that g tube feeding. She told my mom she had to pay for it all. She claims she has proof on where Gordy spent it. Wheres the proof of what she did with their $. How could he pay a bill when he just gotten his $ after he had to go ssi to turn her butt in for taking it. Her mom was diagnose in 1998 with dementia. Lil took her to the Dr. But Ape denies it but all the sisters know the truth. It wasnt kept a secret. She gave Gordy poa cause she knows he will do his best to do what is right for her. His daughters are a major help too. They are who cooked for her a lot of the times. They have always been there helping with their dad. So did the grandson who was raised by her. Like I stayed. She has to answer to the govt where the money went these past few months. Show receipts on all she spent. Wasnt on her mom. She was on here begging for clothes and shoes for her. Why not buy them with the money she had. Cause it would cut in on what she wanted to do with it. Shes Selfish. Karma going get her. Hope her daughter does her how she did her own mother. The kid didnt care if her grandmother was dying. She had to go to California instead of waiting for her to get out of hospital. Strange how she pay for that on Mcds wages working parttime when she couldnt afford to have her hair and nails dona week before she left. My mom asked Ape why her hair was so dark when she saw her. Her answer was she didnt have the money to get their hair done. Im not asking anyone to take sides. I just want the real truth out. And her version isnt it. Dont call my mom names and I think wont air dirt on you!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 07:24:46 +0000

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