She has taken a more gentle approach to her bullshit this time, - TopicsExpress


She has taken a more gentle approach to her bullshit this time, BMI is not and shouldnt be a used as a measure of health ( She isnt capable of seeing that she is in a position of privilege. Not everybody has had a decent upbringing, a decent education or can afford to eat the way she has done before she started eating unhealthy. Of course she doesnt need a personal trainer to lose the weight when she has spent time in her life regularly exercising. Its hard to feel sympathy for some one that thinks its ok to shame people for their weight especially when they are so detached from any other life style than her own. There is enough pressure from the media for people to look a certain way or to be a certain shape and telling people they need to make excuses for their own body isnt ok especially when people starve themselves to be skinny, youre just adding to the pressure. Attacking people that may potentially have body or self esteem issues isnt the right way to go about getting people to take an interest in their health. If she generally cared about weight issues she could spend time talking about eating healthy on a budget, or ways to get into exercising. Instead of binging on shit while half the world are starving. Its great that she got a following of people losing weight with her. But it shouldnt of happened because shes made people ashamed to be big.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:27:20 +0000

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