She is ready to give up on people.... Email Recd: Hello - TopicsExpress


She is ready to give up on people.... Email Recd: Hello Danielle. I know You are a busy Person but I just need some answers and I dont know who else to talk to. I have came to the point in My Life that I feel like just giving up and stop being nice to People. I try to be a good Person, but Life has just dealt Me some bad things. My job discriminates on opportunities and raises (I have worked there 13 Yrs.) and Honesly I am just tired of being treated this way. I am even to the point of giving up on Humanity/People. I feel like there is noone I can trust in this World. Any advice You can give would be greatly appreciated. If You can sence anything for Me Please let Me know. Thank You Danielle for listening and Your time. Bless You! Hi. So sorry you are feeling this way. Sometimes its hard to see the light when we are surrounded by lower energies and vibrations. What I have found works for me and for my students and clients is a change of perspective. The first place I start is with gratitude. Now, I know - it sounds simplistic and way too easy to work, but hear me out. Everything in life is vibration - positive and negative. To feel better and experience life in joy, we need to shift and raise our vibration. If we are in a constant state of depletion, it is hard to see the good things. When we vibrate at a lower frequency, we also attract lower energies and situations to us. Begin by making a list of the things you are grateful for, start our small. Ive had jobs where I absolutely despised my boss, my coworkers, the work I did, and I was just there to get my paycheck so I could pay my bills. When I learned about shifting my perspective through gratitude, I had to focus on the small stuff. I began with things like: I am grateful for the air conditioning. I am grateful I can listen to my own music at my desk. Very small things, that I appreciated about my job and could focus on. Every day I thought of new things to be grateful for. I made myself come up with two new reasons every day, and soon things began to shift. Now, you could say it was MY mood that shifted, and sure that was part of it. But it was also the energy I gave off to those around me. Projects flowed easier for me. My boss was nicer and interaction at work was decent. Things definitely changed. You can use the method of gratitude with everything in your life - your job, health, family, relationships, abundance, etc. Remember too, if youre always expecting things to be bad, they will be. That was a real difficult lesson I had to learn the hard way. Blessings to you.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 02:44:22 +0000

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