She is white, how could she be with this black thing She is - TopicsExpress


She is white, how could she be with this black thing She is black how could she be with such and not one of our people ...racial hatred has and still is going on in our world even though some choose to pretend it is not there though it is still there. People say Botswana is a peaceful country with no racism whatsoever and although generally speaking it is peaceful...but,there are some racist people in this country. I remember at one point on a date with someone of a different color,I could see the stares and snares people gave us as we walked together that night.The atmosphere was not comfortable but we decided to shut the world out because I as a person do not believe society has a right to tell me what is right and what is wrong...but the one thing that made things crystal clear regarding the battle of trying to fight racial injustice was when one security guard passed us and commented these words...Do you think it is right being with a white person(lekgoa) I was not offended by this because he was a dull minded person like the rest of the people that night who were filled with ignorance as i told him to get an education so he could learn that Love is color blind because he was just blank stupid. Now I wanted to share this not out of mere thought but because this is what is happening in our country and the world.I have seen so many of my friends being mistreated because of their skin color or because of the people they date.How are we as a people taught to learn acceptance,the very word that we preach yet we do not practice it. Indians are being mistreated,with the saying that they are taking over the country...with such words as (LEKULA) refering to an Indian or (LECHAENA) refering to a chinese or (LEKGOA/LEBURU) refering to a white person all used with hate. ...So many of the black community would get offended if someone was to say This black person or kaffir yet when they use hate words on another race,they forget to place themselves in their shoes.People from other countries come to a black community and have the sinister thought of being this is Africa do they honestly think they were going to find a bunch of white people and not a single black. But hope lies in those that are against racism,and xenophobia and those that are for interracial relationships!! The world cannot change overnight and such things cannot disappear overnight but and understanding goes a long way. The world we live in...
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:17:56 +0000

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