She paced back and forth.....she couldnt believe what Tami was - TopicsExpress


She paced back and forth.....she couldnt believe what Tami was telling her...she walked over to the night stand and picked up her phone....she dialed his number after 2 rings someone picked up the phone... Hello the person on the other line said sounding like they were sleep....May I speak to Elliot Williams please this is his daughters mother...There was a slight pause and a muffle of the phone and then the person hung up the phone....she proceeded to call back and to no avail....she began to look confused and suddenly began to wept....Tami reached for Elizabeth and she stepped back and buckled to the floor screaming why....why....dear god why??!!! Angry at the state her dear friend was in she wrestled for the phone and when she had the phone from Elizabeth she tried the number back...This time she blocked her number and changed her voice....Hey this Carla...Im trying to find Bradley Chino there? Oh sorry Baby u have the wrong number....This is Elliot phone....she interrupted her this isnt 973 431 6552? She said yes there isnt no Bradley room....jus as she was completing her sentence jus what Tami wanted Elliot snatched the phone and asked who u looking for.... Tami in a foreign accent asked her question again....oh....u lookin for Bradley...or Elliot? Jus as she was about to respond Elizabeth snatched the phone from Tami and proceeded to run in the bathroom screaming at the top of her lungs.... ((#Draft3)) ((to be continued)) #gM
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:49:10 +0000

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