She was free. Which way would she turn? The night had become dark, - TopicsExpress


She was free. Which way would she turn? The night had become dark, leaving her to follow the blur of the street lights. She couldnt see; as she was nearly blind, without her glasses. But, she knew the hospital was close. She would be safe, if she could just find her way. The hospital was cold. Patients moaned in their ailments. She walked deliberate, with awareness of her surroundings, that had become a sixth sense. When she approached the nurse at the front window, she hesitated. What is your name? The woman asked her. Miss? She had to tell her. She knew. When she did, the nurse smiled at het, as if she had been expecting the young woman. Have a seat. She spoke with the same smile. Slowly, the young woman returned to the chairs, to wait with the other patients. The conversations troubled her. She looked up weary, as the television spoke. Shes returned. The woman on the television spoke.This time they will... , As the doctor on the other side of window made the motion on his arm of chopping. Her eyes became large. She quickly stood and walked through the automatic sliding doors, the darkness returning to her eyes. Wondering the streets, she came to a well lit bus bench, that would allow her to rest. On the glass window, of the bench covering, was an advertisement: it was an eye. It appeared to peer into her. She would continue walking. She would continue walking until the streets became well lit. Her feet hurt, her toes swollen from walking. But, eventually the morning came. It was easier now. Her mothers house wasnt far, considering. The knock was faint. She needed her to be home. My daughter?!, she said with a mixture of suprise and excitement.Are you okay honey? Her voice soothing. As she walked through the front door, her mother sat, crossing her now slender legs, underneath a burgundy velvet robe. Her mother began telling her about a movie shed recently watched. Its a true love story. She smiled, sinking her teeth into a peach. Mm. Want one? The young woman didnt have an appetite. Can I take a bath Mom? She looked down, not wanting her mother to look into her eyes long enough. Of course daughter. The warmth felt good, as she cautiously tested her toes against the water. They stung at first;but, the warm water promised healing. She slowly lowered the rest of her foot, then the other, finally sitting, wrapping her arms around her knees. Her mother loved the color sky-blue. And shells. She stared at the wall, eventually sliding her feet; so her back could feel the warmth. She covered her nose and put her head under the water, returned to the surface and slicked back her hair. Her mother didnt have air conditioning. A tall fan oselated back and forth, the breeze waving acoss her, as she laid her her mothers queen sized bed, in the small apartment. She put on classical music for her daughter. Do you want to talk about it sweetie? Her voice tender. Im okay., The young woman squeezed a trembling smile. Yeah.. you are the woman said with a sigh, dusting off the peach against the velvet robe, her eyes closed.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 05:44:06 +0000

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