Shehu Tarfa wrote: YOUTHS AND CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE. As d - TopicsExpress


Shehu Tarfa wrote: YOUTHS AND CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE. As d political class are to blame for misgovernance and leaving Nigerians at d mercy of lootocrats, so would d youths in d country share d blame. How many Nigerians are aware of d group called National Youth Movement not to talk of who its leaders are? Without any doubt d youths are d leaders of tomorrow. My worry is that our youths have folded their hands seemingly in despair. They dont appear to have a clue on what they owe d society and vice versa. Universities remain shut for an entire semester yet d category of people universities are meant for have kept mute. It is time d youths were told d truth. Neither ASUU no govt have much to lose in d current indefinite strike that led to d elongated strike going on. How sad. A few years back as students, we always made d govt aware of our opinions and position on matters of national interest. Such was d influence of students that they had a rep on d Constitutional Review Committee preceding Shagari regime. What are our youths upto today ? Not much good. They are d dominant set in d job markets, kidnappings, 419, thuggery, militancy and terrorism to mention but a few of their vices. Nearly all acts of violence and exchange of hate messages and comments in life and on social networking sites are carried out by them. Oddly some unemployed youths even put their lives on d line protecting d interest of corrupt non- performing pres/govs for no other reason beyond ethno-religious solidarity. I wonder who d youths think would fight their fights for them? The under aged or d old ? Our youths must rise and take d bull by d horn. They can force d hands of govt and ASUU to come to an agreement one way or d other. There are many ways to achieve that. I leave that for d youths to select d most suitable method to express or get their views to d appropriate quarters.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 07:30:52 +0000

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