Sheikh Abdul Aziz proved himself practically, Martyrs mission will - TopicsExpress


Sheikh Abdul Aziz proved himself practically, Martyrs mission will not go waste: Waza Tributes to Sheikh Abdul Aziz Srinagar, August 3, 2014 Kicking off Martyr’s week in remembrance with Shaheed-e-Azemat Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League under the chairmanship of Party head, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza organized a peaceful rally Chattabal Kulgam to main market Kulgam in South Kashmir Today. Hundreds of men particularly youths participated in the rally and paid rich tributes to Shaheed-e-Azemat Sheikh Abdul Aziz besides raised high pitched pro-Islam and Pro-Freedom slogans. Participants of the rally hailed the role played by the great martyrs in the ongoing freedom struggle. Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, while addressing the gathering in Kulgam paid rich tributes to Kashmir martyrs particularly to party former chairman, Shaheed-e-Azemat Sheikh Abdul Aziz who laid his precious life for the ongoing freedom struggle. “Sheikh Abdul Aziz was man of principals and strong advocate of freedom of Kashmiri nation from the Indian bondage and during his struggle against the India’s illegal occupation and Indian army’s oppression and suppression he achieved martyrdom and proved himself practically.” Waza told gathering while addressing. He said that it was because of the martyrs that Kashmir conflict got internationalized and world community opened its closed, however the role community is playing for the final and peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute was disappointing and worrying. Waza said that India and Pakistan-the principal parties of the decades old Kashmir conflict can’t prosper till they resolve the dispute amicably satisfying the aspirations and wishes of Kashmiri people who rendered uncounted sacrifices. He expressed solidarity with naïve Palestinians and urged international community to play effective role in resolving the disputes including of Kashmir and Gaza which can disturb the peace of whole world, “There is no hindrance in saying that the Kashmir conflict being a nuclear flash point in sub-continent can disrupt the peace and can’t pave any way for the prosperity of the region neither can’t be economic security guaranteed.” Waza added Waza also urged also people to resist anti-Kashmir Indian polices disturbing, environment, ecology, economy and culture. On the occasion, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza announced that rallies during weeks long time up to 11th of August-the martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed-e-Azemat Sheikh Abdul Aziz, party will continue to hold rallies.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:51:51 +0000

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