Sheikh Abubakar Hindi: "Islam - the religion of peace and - TopicsExpress


Sheikh Abubakar Hindi: "Islam - the religion of peace and moderation" Photo: chechnyatoday Secretary General of the Sunni scholars of India, Sheikh Abubakar Hindi speaking at V (Jubilee) International Peace Forum "Islam - the religion of peace and creation", dedicated to the memory of the first President of the Czech Republic, the Hero of Russia A.-Kh. Kadyrov. In his remarks, A. Hindi stressed that Islam is the only religion of peace. " There is no doubt that Islam is a religion of peace, prosperity, security and grace. But, unfortunately, sometimes accuse Muslims, claiming that Islam is the religion of the alleged terror and extremism. Of course, they are wrong, because Islam is a religion of peace and moderation. We must understand that in Islam there is no compulsion, no violence and no war. The outbreak of war comes from people who either believe in nothing. We need to show everyone the real, true essence of Islam ", - said A. Hindi. He also praised the efforts of the Head of the CR R. Kadyrov and to promote peace and harmony in the Chechen land. "Now we can see how beautiful was the Chechen Republic. We all know what it was in the most difficult years for the Chechen people. We also know that the peace and prosperity of your territory came thanks to the dedication and efforts of your first president Akhmad Kadyrov, and after his tragic death - a worthy successor to his course of Ramzan Kadyrov , "- said A. Hindi. The symposium is attended by prominent Islamic leaders from 25 countries and abroad, as well as representatives of religious denominations of the subjects of Russia.
Posted on: Tue, 28 May 2013 07:34:30 +0000

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