Sheikh Shariff Muslim Foundation Born against the verdict of the - TopicsExpress


Sheikh Shariff Muslim Foundation Born against the verdict of the Doctors who had scanned my expectant mother who was five months pregnant carrying me in her womb. She was paralyzed and the doctors claimed from the scan results thatI was dead and decaying in her womb hence causing her chronic and painful ailments. The verdict was that my mother was to undergo an operation to get me out believing I was dead. The end of all her suffering finally came to an end on the day she gave birth to me while out of her senses without an operation, alone in the room, all she knows is that she woke up in a hospital bed. And all she was told is that she was found senseless in her room all alone with a healthy over 4kg baby boy. Who was well nursed beside her, the boy was me. Only Allah knows how I was born. I started daawah at home at the age of nine months. To all my brothers and sisters in Islam and in humanity; Visit and join this enigma of daawah in the 21st Century. Be part of the daawah wave that will take daawah to the World even to the unreachable. Welcoming you all Sheikh Shariff Mikidadi Matongo. Sheikh Shariff An Enigma of the 21st Century Islamic Daawah BIOGRAPHY OF SHEIKH SHARIFF COMPILED BY HIS FATHER MIKIDADI ROBERT MATONGO OF KILOLENI BH / NO 248 BOX 1705 TABORA TANZANIA. To begin with let me give you a briefintroduction of who I am, my name is Mikidadi Robert Matongo. I was born in1942 at Ibiri Vilage Tabora District. Before reverting to Islam, my name was Maurice Robert Matongo. I was born in a Christian family, of the Roman Catholic. In 1957 I joined Msimbazi Primary and completed my primary education in 1964. After my primary I joined secondary education at Saint Joseph’s Convent School in Dar es Salaam which is now known as Forodhani Secondary. I studied at the school for two years then I was transferred to Kazima Secondary School Tabora and completed fourth form in 1968. I joined the Police Force in 1970. Starting with rank of Police Constable. In 1991 I resigned from the Police Force at the Rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police and I was the Officer Commanding CID Mpanda district (my resignation from the force was influenced by my reverting to Islam). I am married to two wives. We were all Christians before I reverted to Islam, My wives and I were devoted to the Roman Catholic before joining Islam. After reverting to Islam we remarried according to the Islamic marital procedure and law. My first wife was known as Clemencial Michael Isamaki now she is Marriam, my second wife was Monica Leonard Jomanga now known as Mwanaisha. The first wife gave birth to nine children. Sheikh Shariff being the ninth born. My second wife gave birth to two children. The eighth born of my first wife was her only daughter named Mary and died at the age of four years old. The names of my remaining children are as follows: Yussuf Mikidadi whose Christian name was Michael Sarah Mikidadi whose Christian name was Sara Abubakar Mikidadi whose Christian name was Albert Abdillahi Mikidadi whose Christian name was Mesent Fadhila Mikidadi whose Christian name was Devother Ibrahim Mikidadi whose Christian name Boniface Faudhia Mikidadi whose Christian was Grace Hamza Mikidadi whose Christian name was Samwel Sharifa Mikidadi whose Christian name was Jane Sheikh Sharif whose Christian name Fidelis We gave Sheikh Sharif the Christian name but he was never baptized. THE BIOGRAPHY OF SHEIKH SHARIF Sheikh Sharif was born on 10th October 1986 at Kiloleni area within the Municipal of Tabora. In Tabora region. During his birth I was at Mpwapwa serving in the police force as a public prosecutor having the rank of Inspector of Police. While at Mpwapwa, Sheikh Sharif’s mother while in her fifth month of Shariff’s pregnancy started developing stomach upsets and complications, due to this I sent her to Tabora for further treatment. While atTabora before the birth of Sheikh Sharif she seriously fell ill and developed serious stomach complications, this condition worsened and she even became paralyzed both her legs and hands. Her conditioned forced her to be taken tothe Government Hospital known as Kitete Hospital for medical check up and diagnosis. As she was undergoing treatment the results of the diagnosis according to the doctors was that the baby in the womb had been scanned and found out to be dead and decayed in the womb and advised her to undergo an operation or else she would die. While at Mpwapwa I was telegraphed to be informed about the intention to have an operation performed on my wife.Unfortunately I was not at Mpwapwa to receive the telegraph because I was at Shinyanga Provincial Headquarters testifying at the High Court. After my High Court assignment I decided to pass thorough Tabora to know the condition of my wife. I found her in critical condition and was told what the doctors had prescribed for her, I was told about the need of the operation which was only waiting for my consent by signing. I did not agree to sign anything until I go back to my work station in Mpwapwa and request for some days off or a leave to attend to my ailing wife. My wife had no objection to my plan to go and get permission from work so she accepted to wait until I return before we ponder on what to do next about her condition. At Mpwapwa I applied for a 28 days leave and had to wait for some few days to get a response from the authorities. On 17th October 1986.I was informed through a telegraph that my wife had given birth to a healthy baby boy, and the baby was in good condition. At birth the baby weighed 4.2kg.Another surprise to me was that they told me after the birth of the baby my wife’s health was restored and was healed of all her diseases. I sent back a message naming the baby Fidelis. Then I finally got my leave and went back to Tabora to see my wife and my baby, I found them both in good health and of sound mind. This is when I was curious and wanted to know how she managed to give birth despite the fact that the doctors had already pronounced the baby dead and without the operation as required by the doctors. My wife narrated to me how everything happened on her sick bed at home while she was waiting for my return. She told me that on 10th October 1986 at 3:30pm she was lying on the bed while suffering from the medical complications that she had developed with the pregnancy (stomach pains and the paralyzed legs and hands), she suddenly heard someone making the Azzana (The call for prayers to the mosque). As soon as the Azzana was over she felt as if somebody was touching on her neck with very cold hands and the hand moved slowly from the neck to the chest and then to the stomach.The coldness of the hand increased, then she lost her senses. She could not know what was going on. She gave birth at that time. On recovery of her senses she found herself at the hospital. And a nurse showed her the bouncing baby boy she had given birth to. She also found out that she was totally cured and healthy after giving birth to the baby. She discovered that she could stand on her feet and carry the baby like never before. At the moment she even forgot about her paralyzed condition before the birth of the baby. She was discharged from the hospital and permitted to go home with the baby. On inquiry about how she made it to the hospital I was told that my second wives daughter discovered her in the room, she discovered that the sick mother was lying down and the baby was already delivered, and she was lying in her bed as if she were dead due to the fact that she had lost her senses. On this she started screaming thinking that her mother was dead. Other ladies from nearby came to the room and found out that she was still alive but unconscious, but the baby was in good health lying beside her on the bed. To their amazement the baby was well nursed as if there were a nurse who attended to him when his mother gave birth to him. This was a miraculous birth that only Allah knows how and what happened because my wife was unconscious and the rest of the people came and found the baby already born and nursed, it is beyond human explanation of what exactly happened between the time my wife lost her senses and the time my daughter found out that she had given birth. This was just the beginning of greater things to come. After my leave was over. I returned to Mpwapwa with my family. When Sheikh Sharif was nine months, he first spoke to his mother, reminding her to read the HAKIKA (child dedication according to the Islamic customs and teachings) for him, she reminded her how she delivered him alive and just incase she needed to deliver a child alive and be cured of all her diseases, then he insisted that his mother should read the HAKIKA for him. At the same instance Sharif informed his mother that he wanted to be a Muslim, all this was happening when he was only nine months old. As expected from a devoted Christian family we ignored his appeal especially because of the Islamic relation of his wishes,we wondered why should we do Islamic things to our Christian child? So his wishes fell on our deaf ears, The boy did not give us peace he kept on insisting that he wanted the HAKIKA to be read for him, he did this till 6th October 1989, when we could bear it no more and the HAKIKA was finally read for him. On 22nd December 1989 he was taken to Gongoni mosque where he miraculously begun preaching Islam without being taught by anyone at the tender age of about three years old. As a result of going to the mosque and what happened after going to the mosque his brother elder brother Michael reverted to Islam on the very day, he was then named Yussuf. By then the child we had named Fidelis also announced his own name and said he shall be called Sheikh Sharif. When my wife noticed that by going to theGongoni Mosque my two sons had reverted to Islam, denouncing Christianity and joining Islam, she telegraphed me to tell me about it, I requested for a seven days leave to go to Tabora which I was granted, to go and see for myself what was going on with my family. My intention of taking the leave was to go and compel them back to Christianity by any means possible. Being a Senior police Officer and having access to guns, I had decided to shoot them dead just incase they fail to adhere to my wish of returning to Christianity. On arrival at Tabora from Mpanda, Sheikh Sharif welcomed me back home and told me that he himself and his brother had reverted to Islam. He told me that it was impossible for him or his brother to rejoin Christianity and dump Islam as I had wished. He further told me that he was aware I was having a pistol and my intention to shoot them if they don’t turn back to Christianity. He told me shooting them wont change their faith in Islam, and nothing could possibly turn them back toChristianity, not even the pistol I was hiding in my waist, at this point I knew his love and devotion to Islam was beyond my control and threats. I knew shooting them dead will only cause bigger lose of loosing my two sons. Due to this I knew and was deeply convicted that there was nothing I could do to them to change their new found faith. As much as I wanted them to rejoin Christianity I was not ready to kill my own sons as I had earlier planned from Mpanda. Having realized that I was fighting a loosing battle, I decided to let him go on with his Islamic faith. His life and teachings created in me an eagerness to learn and understand Islam, and by 25th May 1994 I could no longer resist the truth I had to join my son in the right path, I reverted to Islam and was given the name Mikidadi. A BRIEF SUMMARY OF HIS PREACHING ANDTHE OUTCOME OF HIS PREACHING Between May 1994 to December 1994 Sheikh Sharif preached in Dar es Salaam City. The Coast region, Lushoto, in Tanga region, Morogoro in Morogoro region and in Zanzibar. Whereby a total of 6870 people reverted to Islam. From March 1995 to December 1995 he preached in Dar es salaam, the entire Coast region, Lindi region. In Mtwara region and Songea, Tunduma, Mbinga and Ruvuma, region, whereby a total of 7805 people reverted to Islam. From May 1996 to January 1997, he preached in Morogoro region, in Tanga region, Iringa region, Dodoma region, Singida region, in Arusha, region, and Moshi in Kilimanjaro region. This was the same year that Sheikh Sharif begun his international venture by going to Kenya. While in Kenya, he preached in Mombasa, Malindi, and Voi, at Kitui, Matinyani, and Mwingi. Then we moved to Nairobi City. During our Kenyan visit, a total of 38,942 people reverted to Islam. During this year we were also through the Saudi Arabian Embassy where King Fahad personally invited us to attend the pilgrimage in Mecca. We were five in number, Sheikh Sharif, his mother, Said Suleiman, Said Omar and Myself. In October 1997 to March 1998, Sheikh Sharif preached in Dodoma Region, Arusha region, Msoma in Mara region, Mwanza region, and at Bukoba in Kagera Region, whereby a total of 6200 people converted to Islam. March 1998 to 8th June 1998 He preached in Kenya starting in Nakuru, at Kericho, Narok, Migori, Kisii, Kisumu, Mumias, Kakamega, Bungoma, Kapsabet, and Malaba boarder, whereby a total of 3478 people reverted to Islam.From 8th June 1998 to December 1998, he preached in Uganda, starting from Mbale Soroti, Jinja, Lugazi, Mukono, Kampala, Entebbe, Hoima, Masindi, Nakasongola, Ruwero, Wobulenzi, Masakia, Lukaya, Mbarara, Kabale, Kisolo, Kihihi, Lukingili, Ntungamo, Bushenyi, Kasese, Port fortal, and Arua, whereby a total of 9781 people reverted to Islam. On December 1998 to February 1999 he preached in Rwanda, starting from Kigali, Rwamagana, Gisenyi, Ruhengeli, and Butare. Whereby a total of 5430 people reverted to Islam, after which we traveled and entered the Democratic Republic of Congo, at DRC he preached in Kivu province, at Goma town for a week whereby a total of 514 people reverted to Islam. After this endeavor we traveled back home to Tanzania where he continued preaching without going to any school to be taught or being taught by anybody. By the this time a total of more than 73, 076 had reverted to Islam through his miraculous da’awah endeavor. In June 2000 Sheikh Sharif revisited Kenya at the age of four years old, while in Kenya he preached in Isiolo, Marsabit, Moyale and the Kenyan Ethiopia boarder. In this second trip to Kenya 4230 people reverted to Islam. After a short break in Kenya we traversed Kenya starting from Garissa, Wajir, Elwak and Mandera where a total of 560 people reverted to Islam, the number of reverts was few due to the fact that this is the North Eastern Province of Kenya where 80% of the residents are Muslims, while in Mandera he also had an opportunity to speak to Muslims from Somalia and reminded them about the need for peace in Somalia and there need to be in one accord as Muslims, he condemned the war in Somalia and to some extend his speech brought a commendable outcome in that region. This meeting was held in Burhayi and Burhawa where its in record there was peace for some time in the region after the meeting of Sheikh Sharif. We then went back to Tanzania, and continued with da’awah in many cities, towns and villages for four years. In this endeavor over 85000 non- Muslims reverted to Islam.On 28th April 2004. Sheikh Sharif made a tour to Middle East. He started in Oman, accompanied by Sheikh Issa John Luvanda, who was a senior Pastor in Tanzania before reverting to Islam. Together with them was his brother Abubakar Mikidadi Matongo.On 7th July 2004 he went to United Arab Emirates in Dubai for one week then went back to Oman up to August 2004 when he went back to Tanzania.While in Tanzania Sheikh Sharif continued with da’awah in all regions and provinces of Tanzania, whereby an estimated over 50000 people reverted to Islam. He did non stop preaching from town to town. By January 2006 as I write this biographyover 208076 people have so far reverted to Islam guided by Allah through SheikhSharif’s preaching just at ten years old. May Allah fully reward him for hiswork and grant him jannatul Firdaus. May he strengthen him and continue usinghim to spread Islam. Amin. Wabillahi Tawfiq. Compiled By: Al- Marhum (The Late) Mikidadi Matongo (Sheikh Sharif’s father) A CONTINUATION OF SHEIKH SHARIF’S BIOGRAPHY BY ABUBAKAR MIKIDADI MATONGO This was Sheikh Shariff’s toughest year having to go through many challenges while preaching in the villages and towns of Tanzania from January without resting and with over 10000 people joining Islam, Sheikh Sharif was mocked by non Muslims and even thought to be an Islamic ghost due to the fact that he was a tiny small boy doing what his agemates can not do, speaking what even grown ups are not capable of speaking with eloquence, confidence and sending a mighty wave of conviction to his audience,this worked for the good of the spread of Islam, but also brought challenges to his life, and even created enemies for the young boy who was just ten years old. The enemies were mostly non- Muslims who were against him for leading many people to Islam. At some points they even tried to kill him, but Alhamdulillah Allah protected him through all this challenges. By October he had reached the region of Sumbawanga and was continuing with his work of da’awah when on Monday 15th October 2006 after Fajr (morning) prayers he was informed of the death of his father Mikidadi Matongo which had occurred that night at Tabora where he was born. By then he had been away from home for over eight months. At receiving this news Sheikh Sharif was forced to take a break from the work of da’awah he was doing in Sumbawanga where already over 370 people had already reverted to Islam and go back home inTabora to attend his father’s burial. May Allah rest his father’s soul ineternal peace and protect him from the torment of the grave, its our prayer that Allah may grant him jannah and protect him and us that are still alive from shame on the day of judgment. Amin. After attending his father’s burial Sheikh Sharif was not held back from preaching but embarked on his work of spreading Islam in towns and villages of Tanzania,whereby thousands of people reverted to Islam. He continued preaching in Tanzania up to September 2007 when he was officially invited to Zambia by the Leader of Zambian Muslims Sheikh Salahu Din Zimba. In Zambia many people reverted to Islam, it is estimated that over 7000 people reverted to Islam. On 17th January 2008 he received an invitation to South Africa to go and preach in Johannesburg, while in Johannesburg many people reverted to Islam. While in South Africa he also visited to the Mpumalanga prison where he preached to them and some of the inmates reverted to Islam. He also made prayers that Allah may guide them to become law abiding citizens after their jail terms. On 13th July 2008 he was invited to an international Muslim gathering (Jitimai) in the Islands of Zanzibar at Unguja where there was a great Impact from his preaching. (you can watch the video in our video gallary) In June 2009 Sheikh Sharif was invited to Comoro Islands and was hosted by the President of Comoro Islands His Excelency Hon Abdallah Ahmed Mohammed Sambi, in his convoy Sheikh Shariff was accompanied by Abdillahi Mikidadi Matongo, Ibrahim Mikidadi Matongo, and I Abubakar Mikidadi Matongo.Together with us was Sheikh Sharif Muslim Foundation Quran reader Rajay Omar Ayoub also accompanying us was Ali Mohammed Shatryi. We were also accompanied by the Amir of the Comoros tour Omar Idd Msinzia. While in Comoro he visited the Islands of Mwaroni, Anjuani and Mweri after that he went back toTanzania where he continued preaching in and out of the country. On 22nd March 2011 He was invited to Kenya and was hosted for a historical open air meeting at a ground in California, Eastlands of Nairobi. After the Nairobi meeting he went to Isiolo and Garissa. In this trip 69 people reverted to Islam. On 2nd June 2011 Sheikh Sharif was invited to Uganda where he went to Kampla and then he was honored by another invitation by Northern Da’awah Muslim Association hosted by Al-Hajj Issa Kato at Arua Northern Uganda West Nile Region. He was the main speaker of the International Interfaith Dialogue that was going on as I write this biography. The ongoing dialogue had an international outlook with other preachers from Kenya, Tanzania,Rwanda, Democratic Republicof Congo, Southern Sudan and Uganda, from both faiths Christians and Muslims also participating. As I write this continuation of the Biography from where The late Mikidadi Matongo left in 2006 Sheikh Sharif is continuing with this interfaith dialogue in Arua Uganda. So far over 50 people have reverted to Islam and over six pastors have varnished from the meeting after failing to counter the Muslims. This is not the end but just the beginningof Sheikh Shariff’s Da’awah Endeavor so far so good over 3, 676,269 men and women have reverted to Islam. Soon he will launch the Sheikh Shariff Muslim Foundation (SSMF) InshaAllah. Wabillahi Tawfiq. Continuation By: Abubakar Mikidadi Matongo (Sheikh Sharif’s brother)
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 11:08:42 +0000

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