Sheikh ibn Baaz (Rahimahullah): The scholars should guide people, - TopicsExpress


Sheikh ibn Baaz (Rahimahullah): The scholars should guide people, particularly the youth who are susceptible to extremism, exaggeration or falling short; they should be enlightened and instructed for they have little knowledge, so they should be shown the way to Al-Haqq (the Truth). ---------------------------------------------------------------- Handling extremism Q 5: How can we handle the problem of extremism? A: This problem can be handled by the scholars who should instruct and guide people; if they know that a person exceeds and commits a Bid`ah (innovation in religion), they should point out the matter to him, such as those who deem a sinner as a Kafir (disbeliever/non-Muslim). This is the creed of Al-Khawarij (separatist group that believes committing a major sin amounts to disbelief). Al-Khawarij regard a sinner as a Kafir. One should know that there is a dividing line; the sinner has a ruling, the Mushrik (one who associates others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) has a different ruling and the innovator has another ruling as well. He should be instructed and guided to goodness in order to be enlightened and to know the rulings of the Shari`ah (Islamic law) with regard to each case; he should not make the sinner in the status of the Kafir, or the Kafir in the status of the sinner. The sinners whose sins are less than Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship), such as the fornicator, thief, backbiter, and Riba (usury/interest) consumer have a ruling, and if they die in this case, they are subject to the Will of Allah. The Mushrik who worships the grave dwellers (Part No. 8; Page No. 237) and seek help from the dead beside Allah is judged as a disbeliever. He who reviles or ridicules the Din (religion) of Islam is also a disbeliever. People are at degrees and not equal, so each should take his status and ruling through insight and evidence, rather than whims and ignorance. This is the approach of scholars. The scholars should guide people, particularly the youth who are susceptible to extremism, exaggeration or falling short; they should be enlightened and instructed for they have little knowledge, so they should be shown the way to Al-Haqq (the Truth). Source reference:
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 08:06:40 +0000

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