Sheila Gilmore MP Edinburgh East reports on some planning matters - TopicsExpress


Sheila Gilmore MP Edinburgh East reports on some planning matters in her newsletter: Save Our Southside A meeting was held on 10th September, with all four local councillors being present as well as the Chair of the Regulatory Committee, Councillor Gavin Barry. Councillor Ian Perry was present both as local councillor and Chair of the Planning Committee. The discussion ranged widely, but there was considerable attention given to the Lutton Court application following the outcome of the Appeal in favour of the developers. Councillor Perry reported that the Council Solicitor had advised against the council making a further appeal. At this meeting he agreed to seek a further QC opinion. This has since been done, but the official council position remains one of not proceeding with an appeal. The conclusion of the QC had been: ‘There is a stateable ground of appeal that the Reporter has erred in application of the Supplementary Guidance by regarding the site as lying ‘adjacent’ to a University campus. However I think the prospects of success if an appeal were lodged are poor and certainly significantly less than 50%’. It is disappointing that the Council has decided not to appeal to defend what was their own policy position, but some residents have decided to lodge their own appeal. Councillor Perry also confirmed to the group since the meeting that the Planning Committee would be reviewing the regulations relating to student accommodation ‘to assess if they want to continue with the present policy and if they do how it can be strengthened to avoid the problems encountered with the Lutton Court application.’ It is very important that the local community is fully involved in this Review. Following the meeting on 10th September a smaller group met a week later and is proposing that the Save Our Southside group be renamed ‘Living Southside’ with the tagline of ‘Working for a Balanced and Sustainable Community’. It suggests operating at arm’s length from, but under the umbrella of the Southside Association. Homebase Application The formal application for this site has now been lodged. You can submit your comments using the Council’s Planning Portal before the deadline of 17th October. I am finalising my own objection and will circulate this in my next newsletter. In keeping with my objection on the Lutton Court application, I will refer to the Council’s specific policy on student accommodation ‘Hou 10’ which states the concentrations of student numbers should not exceed an excessive amount in any one area – while that policy is to be the subject of a review it is still very important that the application is determined against the policy as it currently stands. Residents have also raised concerns that this development will impact on the provision of local services and I share their concerns that the loss of this DIY retail store in the Southside will further affect the vitality and amenity of the area. Regardless of the recent Lutton Court appeal decision the Planning Committee members must refuse the application.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:29:50 +0000

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