Sheila Goddard requests I am sorry I have been gone for a - TopicsExpress


Sheila Goddard requests I am sorry I have been gone for a while, my computer and I were both kinda ill. I am Back....... Would it be possible to request a prayer for my nephew Isaiah? Isaiah was riding his motorcycle in the sand dunes, he crashed into a tree and broke his femur. Bone marrow got into his bloodstream and it went to his brain. Isaiah is at OHSU in a coma. It is unclear whether he will make it. He is only fifteen. Please pray for him. Roger J PLEASE PRAY for OUR FINANCES. WE NEED A FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH. I GET PAID NEXT FRIDAY and HAVE $15 and a 1/4 TANK of GAS. WE HAVE A FEW BILLS BUT THEY CAN WAIT TILL PAYDAY. WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! JUST PRAYER BECAUSE GOD ALWAYS COMES THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU. (((LOVE))) Sheila-Ann Ruth Brown prayer request Please pray for Sandra for Doctors to make right decision about more back surgery and for her to quit smoking. Thank you. Ruth Barbona@aol Prayer Requests from Lori, levy48@aol Hi Barb, Going in to see the doctor for one year check on hip replacement. Have severe knee pain, back pain etc now and pray for wisdom and healing. My husband has developed a new problem and the doctor wants a Cat scan. I praise God for all the good news that we have had in re to Bobs MRI and other tests and pray that this new problem is not anything serious. Thanks, Lori scottirn@aol Prayer request Pray for Tony and Susies marriage to be saved, healed and restored. Linda I have a request which our Lord knows. Please pray for me. Also for Dave to be cancer free. Also child and animal abuse stops and people open their hearts to Jesus. Ty BYovino@aol PRAYER REQUEST Hi again, Please pray for a man named Dan...he is the son in law of a couple from church...he is an atheist and loudly proclaims it...they have twin daughters that are 4 and have been told not to take them to church, etc...but, because they need the grandparents to babysit and they will not miss church, they have let him know they take the girls...who, by the way, LOVE IT!!! They call church the Amen cute...guess cause he wants them to babysit he puts up no objections when they are there on Sundays...please pray for the salvation of Dans soul...he is sooo lost and none of them get along very well.. thanks, Jan Jaynnefma F PRAYER REQUEST Please pray for Stephanie, she has acute strep and is on an antibiotic. Please pray she is able to take all the prescribed meds without becoming allergic to it or anything. Her mom is allergic to antibiotics and so am I. Steph is my neice. Please pray for total healing. God is able and faithful. God bless. Love, Jaynne Nathaniel & Margaret Williams Time-sensitive prayer request and praise anna hessel Please pray for Cardinal George, who is undergoing another round of chemo starting today; praise God the rest of our stuff is out of the old condo, though we are both exhausted. Hope you all had a very blessed Easter! Prayerneed Ministry PRAYERNEED Please remember MY WIFE, THE OTHER FIFTH GRADE TEACHERS, STUDENTS AND CHAPERONES as they finished the NASA trip around noon today and head back to Tallahassee. Pray for continued blessings and a safe return trip home for all. Grateful for your love and prayers, Brother Bruce [email protected] REQUESTS WELCOME: Please join me in giving a warm welcome to the newest member to our prayer group. MICHELE micheleforan@aol I am about to give up on God all together. I am desperate for a home of my own that no one can take from me. I have been renting in a place that takes away my peace and happiness. Ive been unhappy for the 8 years I have lived there. I have asked for Gods help during this time but it does not come. I am asking once again in faith that God will finally help me. Make a way where there is no way. I need to be in an environment that is peaceful, happy and secure for me and my pets. I will not abandon my pets. I want a home of my own so I dont have to live in fear of that ever happening. Please, please pray for me. Please God show me a sign that you are answering my prayers. Prayers for P/W VEE who is very ill with pneumonia. Prayers for the country of UKRAINE & VENEZULEA where there is unrest and killing. . Prayers for the safety of the 270 school girls in AFRICA and their quick return home to their families. The kidnapers have said they will sell the girls. Also for the families f those who were killed when a bomb went off at a shopping mall there. Please continue to keep P/W PAULAS son JERRY in prayer for the igraines he has had for the past 2 years. . Please cont. keep my son SEAN in prayer for his career in the Marine Corp., wisdom to those who is assisting him with specific issues, the truth will come out about those who are trying to hurt him by removing him from the Marine Corp. From P/W MARY ANN: [email protected] HELLO ANGELS ON EARTH...:) FRANCES, CURTIS, CURT, TERRI, RUBY AND TINA ARE BURYING THEIR SON AND BROTHER SATURDAY. PLEASE REMEMBER THEM AND WADE IN YOUR PRAYERS. THIS IS MY NEPHEW. ALSO MY BROTHER IN LAW IS BEING BURIED. HIS NAME IS TOMMY PLEASE REMEMBER HIS SISTER MARYALICE AND FAMLY AND HIS DAUGHTERS SANDY AND JENNIFER. A SAD WEEK IN LOUISIANA. TOMMY DIED ON THE 3RD AND WADE ON THE 5TH BUT THANK YOU GOD THEY DIED IN THEIR SLEEP. PRAISE TO GOD ON HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY SONS NEW WIFE SAID HE ASKED HER TO PRAY WITH HIM LAST NIGHT. PLEASE PLEASE KEEP THE PRAYERS COMING FOR SEAN AND KAYLA...........ALSO MY JILL AND EMMA AND KAREN FOR A SAFE TRIP BACK TO FLORIDA AND HER FAMILY AND MY SISTERS, FRANCES, ROSALIE, KAY AND GLORIA AND THEIR FAMILIES. MY SISTERS AND BROTHERS IN CHRIST GERI, MARY AND MARY, SYLVIA, ELINOR, CARMEN, BILLY, CLONEY, BOB, LONNIE AND FAMILY, DAVID, DOROTHEA AND GIRLS, SAMANTHA AND FAMILY, FINANCIAL HELP GOD KNOWS WHO FOR.........IF I HAVE PROMISED TO PRAY FOR SOMEONE AND FORGOT THEIR NAMES PLEASE PRAY FOR SPECIAL INTENTIONS. ALSO PRAYERS FOR FR. KENT. THANK YOU SO VERY VERY VERY MUCH, MARY ANN Judy Wolvaardt Prayer Request emily boeve boeveemily1@gmail DEAR DARRELL, GLENS APPOINTMENT WENT WELL. HE DOES HAVE SLIGHT IRREGULARITY WITH THE HEART RHYTHM AND HE DOES HAVE EMPHYSEMA. HE WILL REMAIN ON PILLS FOR HIS DEAD THYROID GLAND FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE> HES BEEN TAKING THEM SINCE HE WAS 25. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR PRAYING. GOD HEARD OUR PRAYERS! LOVE EMILY Rev. Gil Palcone Prayer Requests Warm Christian Greetings! We would like to knock upon your hearts to support our mission of reaching out to the poorest of the poor. By faith, our ministry aims to help the less privileged in the Philippines – street children, natives, and the like – through social and Gospel action. We preach the Word and conduct feeding programs, medical and dental missions every weekend, as the Lord provides through the help and generosity of His people. We are praying for people who love God and are willing to be His instruments in extending help and blessings to the less fortunate and support our advocacy: Help Bless a Child and Feed the Hungry. There are many ways that you can help. We have listed down the primary needs of our ministry: 1. Gods chosen people who truly love God and Mission and are willing to be our prayer and financial partners and become Gods Kingdom - Builders. 2. We need rice, clothes, food, noodles, canned goods, vitamins, milk, school supplies, school backpacks, shoes, slippers, mosquito nets, mats, etc. You can donate monetarily or in kind 3. We also in need of a Mission Van. Help us pray for this as this is very essential to our missions. We are roving missionaries and the distance of our mission outreaches are very far from one another. 4. Pray for people of God who can help us financially or support the Missions as well as in the construction of God’s church buildings. Presently, we have four church building who are on –going construction but in great need of finances & materials to continue. 5. Please connect us to God’s people to whom you know can help us. 6. Pray for the victim of the Super typhoon “Haiyan”/Yolanda 6mos already, (we directly give the help & relief to the people (whenever we have),The Body of Christ is in great need, our brethren in our 11 Mission Outreaches who are effected greatly and in need now of Materials to repair or rebuild their houses. 7. Pray for my Family daily needs too. We pray that you will be one of God’s answers to our prayers. We need your help in reaching out to the people. It is a perfect time to show the people around us how much we care. Thank you in advance and may God greatly reward you. GOD BLESS US. Rev. Gil & Rowena Palcone LINDA123216@aol Prayer Request avelinadiaz77@yahoo My daughter Stephanie V. Diaz, is being dizzy for the last maybe 10 days, she took time off work last week and went back to work Monday, but have to comeback yesterday because she was dizzy again, We went to the doctor last week and ordered some blood test, everything is ok and even the food allergy that she thought she had, it look that she does not, but the doctor order some more blood work that we did this morning, she just texted me saying that she is not only very dizzy but is having trouble concentrating and really tired. Please help me to pray that the Lords healing touch and His Peace be vested upon Stephanie, please also ask for His Mercy to be upon her and me, please also bless us the whole family including the boys with the Lords Perfect peace. As soon as I hear from the Doctor I will let you know in the mean time please keep Stephanie in prayer. ===================================== I received the following prayer request from Leslie B.E. Office ----------------------------------------We received a call from a gentleman by the name of Jeffrey Rubin who has attended Beth Emunah on a few occasions. He is suffering (for several years now) with ulcerative colitis and has requested prayer support. He has lost a lot of weight and is trying many treatments. Unfortunately, he is unable to afford some of the most effective treatments; they are very expensive for those without good insurance coverage (and even with it). The disease is chronic and highly debilitating (which may be why he is not working). His phone number is 818-270-6706 if you or anyone else would like to contact him. Leslie Please pray for Jeffrey, ask for the Lords touching healing for him, ask the Lord His Perfect will for Jeffrey, ask that the Peace of the Lord be vested upon Jeffrey and at the same please bless him Philippians 4:19 that says: that the Lord will supply all his needs according to His Richness in Glory thru Yeshua. Thank you for your prayers and blessings....Avelina Janet Sue Proffitt Please pray for Dawn. She was working in the front yard and got into some poison ivy. She had to go to the doctor. Please pray for a speedy recovery. SW Ohio Please pray for Joyce to sell her home this summer. Also pray for my neighbor across the street to sell his home soon. He has had it for sale a long time now. Please pray for travel mercies for David & Joyce as they go camping in another state the end of May. SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE REQUESTS Please continue to pray for Tabor Fullen who is in a nursing home. Her blood sugar is in the 400s. Please pray she wont have a stroke or heart attack. SW Ohio Elliott is 89 years young. He passed a blood clot. Doctor gave him a colonoscopy. All is well. Keep him in your prayers. He has a lot of other health issues. SW Ohio Please pray Mindy of Houston, Texas will receive important papers soon. She needs these papers. Please pray for Craig to receive an appointment with the President of HBU college in Houston soon. This is regarding his job. Please pray for salvation and protection for Donna Proffit and Joel Ennis. Ohio and Florida Please pray for Eva Gaye. The Lord knows her needs. Texas Please pray for salvation and healing for Ann-Margaret. Calif. Please pray for salvation and healing for Mr. Smith. Calif. Blessings, Janet Sue Keep Praising the Lord
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 19:41:23 +0000

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