Shelleys Dream (part 2; see yesterdays post for part 1) A - TopicsExpress


Shelleys Dream (part 2; see yesterdays post for part 1) A couple of weeks later, she had the second part of the same dream. It actually picked up where the first dream had ended. She was sitting on a bench looking behind her. This time she could see where the exit path led to. It went down into a valley where there was a broad, paved road. Many people were going back and forth on this flat road, apparently laughing and having a good time. Shelley even recognized some of the people on this road that were from our town and claimed to be Christians. It was a party like atmosphere where everyone seemed to be eating and drinking with no concern for what lie ahead. There even appeared to be what looked like concession stands where one could buy food and drinks. All of the people were oblivious to the paths destination. It was leading them to destruction! In exchange for the easier terrain of the broad road, they had left the difficulties of the path that Shelley was traveling on. I was reminded of Matthew 7:13-14 which says, Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Exiting the path of the sometimes difficult, confining ways of the Holy Spirit, for what appears to be the unrestricted freedom of the desires of the flesh, is too tempting for many. If we do not count the cost before committing to Jesus Christ, understanding through the revelation of the Holy Spirit the righteous requirements for salvation, we most likely will not finish. We leave exits in our hearts. These become dangerous escape routes that can be used in case of emergency, when we feel like quitting. To the upright in heart who are committed to the Lord, Proverbs 2:11-15 promises, “Discretion will guard you, understanding will watch over you, to deliver you from the way of evil, from the man who speaks perverse things; from those who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, and rejoice in the perversity of evil; whose paths are crooked, and who are devious in their ways.” While Shelley was observing the scene below, an older gentleman came up the narrow path and sat directly across from her on another bench. He told her his name was John and said that his wife had died a couple of years before. They never had any children, leaving him with no immediate family for comfort and support. He was a wealthy, retired business owner, and was struggling with feelings of loneliness. Shelley was struggling with financial concerns. They both appeared to have what the other needed. Its interesting to see how much detail there was in the dream. The terrain on the path was much different than the terrain in the first dream. It was now a narrow, straight path on a steep hill. The land was desolate this time. There were no other people in sight. As a Christian you will discover the further you walk with the Lord, the less traveled the path is. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance, the broad road that leads to destruction, is the path many will choose to travel upon. Many disciples will fall away from the path of salvation at the end of this age when the Lord turns up the pressure on earth in order to purify His people for His return (2 Thessalonians 2). Instead of denying themselves, they will betray their Savior, like Judas. As with the foolish virgins that were unprepared, they will not be allowed to enter into the wedding feast of Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:1-13). Shelley said that it was interesting to her that John faced the valley, but never looked down towards it. Before he came, she had been looking behind her where she sat, noticing the scene below. As they talked, she asked him how he kept going. Explaining his apparent lack of concern for those on the broad road down in the valley, he said he kept his eyes on the path. As they got up to leave together, Shelley reached out to get her big backpack that she was carrying with her. In it were water, food, a sleeping bag, and a big pillow. He told her to leave it behind. She said to him, “What will we do if we get thirsty, or hungry, or even tired along the way?” It was a barren path with nothing in sight. The older gentleman replied, “The Lord will provide for you what you need.” The weight of the pack, he said, would just end up tiring her out on the journey. She would have to leave behind all visible means of support, trusting the Lord for all her future needs. This is what has been happening to Shelley and I as we travel along the path the Lord has laid out before us. He has been slowly weaning us from this earth with all of its visible support. We are learning the difficult lesson of leaving all behind and totally trusting Him for every provision. In reality, it is the only real secure place there is. We are very thankful, even though it has been so difficult. The glory that is yet to be revealed within us, and everyone else who totally commits to the Lord, will be worth it all. We will be forever grateful to Him for His grace and love that He so freely gives to those who are called by His name. (to be continued...)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:45:36 +0000

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