Shelties to the rescue The story so far…..Is that I have been - TopicsExpress


Shelties to the rescue The story so far…..Is that I have been backed up against the cliff face with nowhere else to run….And Big Bertha the giant crab and two of her crones are closing in on me…..Normally I would have had a Sheltie or two to guard me against such dangers……But today of all days I had become cut off from Jazz and Halo by a ranging canyon that was so deep that you could barely see the wild rushing dark water down below…… And if that was not bad enough…..Being so wide that the only way across was to fly like a bird …..So here I was….. All alone…… With big Bertha….Who was sizing up my big toe on my right foot…..With the two crones doing a sideward action towards my left small toes…..Boy …..This was going to hurt….. I closed my eyes tight ready for the pain that was to come……With my mind calling to Halo and Jazz……Come …..Come now…..I need you…..I need you like never before….…Still waiting for the pain to come…..I had opened my eyes a fraction to see that big Bertha and her cronies were no longer interested in my toes…..But were looking towards the Ranging Canyon……And as I looked too…..I saw a magical sight…. Halo was doing a death defying leap of the enormous and gigantic Canyon, with Jazz about to follow…..I hardly dare look……Hoping beyond hope that they would reach the other side safely…..I need not have worried…..As they both landed safely on the far side….. and were now turning their attention towards Big Bertha and her cronies, Who by now had seen the writing on the wall…..As all three were now doing the crab walk…..(Well more of a run really) chasing to catch up the outgoing tide as it swept out to a faraway shores…..As for me…..Well you would have thought that it was I, who had saved them, and not the other way round as Halo and Jazz rushed into my arms……..But that’s Shelties for you….
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:26:42 +0000

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