Sherry Vance (28 Dec 2014) Sabbatical & Jubilee Timeline - TopicsExpress


Sherry Vance (28 Dec 2014) Sabbatical & Jubilee Timeline TIMELINE *Jubilee Timeline - Genesis 6:3 > Then the LORD said, My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years. 120 X 50 Jubilee Years = 6000 years. The 6,000 years / mans 6 days, ended on Feast of Trumpets, Sept. 30, 2000 (The Jewish year 5760) * Gods time line of history is revealed in Israel, and to know where we are on that time line, watch Israel. Keep in mind, as you shall see...the Jewish years overlap our Gregorian years (which is where a lot of -people get confused, just as they do with not realizing Jewish days overlap our days because they begin at sunset (evening) to sunset (evening.) * In addition, there are TWO Hebrew calendars: In the Torah, the beginning of the year was clearly set at Nisan 1, the context was the description of the first Passover. God said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt: This month shall mark for you the beginning of the months; it shall be the first of the months for you. (Ex. 12:1-2) The spring biblical calendar basically relates to the agricultural cycles; but eventually the Fall Feast of Trumpets and the blowing of the shofar began to be assigned as the head of the civil (or governmental) year known as Rosh Hashanah; and it functions as the new year, for changing the date for Sabbatical cycles and the jubilee. No matter what anyone thinks is the true calendar, it is a FACT that the mathematical equations that exist as proof of Gods chosen dates & appointed times, plus the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles shown below, are historically CORRECT, and therefore reliable in the future....otherwise, no one could ever know where we are on Gods Timeline and Plan of Redemption. Thus, the years below are listed from Rosh HaShanah to Rosh Hashanah (occurring in the Hebrew month of Tishri, (head of the new year to head of the new year) which is in our September and therefore the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars overlap. Well begin at the start of a new Jubilee cycle to show the progression: TIMELINE 1866-1867 - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (7th week of yrs = 49 years) 1867-1868 - 1st year in new cycle - Jubilee - 50th Year 1868-1869 - 2nd year 1869-1870 - 3rd year 1870-1871 - 4th year 1871-1872 - 5th year 1872-1873 - 6th year 1873-1874 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (1 week of yrs) 1874-1875 - 1st year in new cycle 1875-1876 - 2nd year 1876-1877 - 3rd year 1877-1878 - 4th year 1878-1879 - 5th year 1879-1880 - 6th year 1881-1882 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (2nd week of yrs) 1882-1883 - 1st year in new cycle 1883-1884 - 2nd year 1884-1885 - 3rd year 1885-1886 - 4th year 1886-1887 - 5th year 1887-1888 - 6th year 1888-1889 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (3rd week of yrs) 1889-1890 - 1st year in new cycle 1890-1891 - 2nd year 1891-1892 - 3rd year 1892-1893 - 4th year 1893-1894 - 5th year 1894-1895 - 6th year 1895-1896 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (4th week of yrs) 1896-1897 - 1st year in new cycle 1897-1898 - 2nd year 1898-1899 - 3rd year 1899-1900 - 4th year 1900-1901 - 5th year 1901-1902 - 6th year 1902-1903- 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (5th week of yrs) 1903-1904 - 1st year in new cycle 1904-1905 - 2nd year 1905-1906 - 3rd year 1906-1907 - 4th year 1907-1908 - 5th year 1908-1909 - 6th year 1909-1910 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (6th week of yrs) 1910-1911 - 1st year in new cycle 1911-1912 - 2nd year 1912-1913 - 3rd year 1913-1914 - 4th year 1914-1915 - 5th year 1915-1916 - 6th year 1916-1917 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (7th week of yrs = 49 years) 1917-1918- 1st year in new cycle - Jubilee - 50th Year * Gen. Allenby captures Jerusalem from Turks Dec. 9, 1917 - Hannukah * You will begin to see a pattern emerge regarding the JUBILEE years which are times of refreshing and time of restoring everything, the designated yar of liberty, freedom, forgiveness of all debts, and restitution of all lands and properties and inheritances. Levitcus 25. 1918-1919 - 2nd year 1919-1920 - 3rd year 1920-1921 - 4th year 1921-1922 - 5th year 1922-1923 - 6th year 1923-1924 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (1st week of yrs) 1924-1925 - 1st year in new cycle 1925-1926 - 2nd year 1926-1927 - 3rd year 1927-1928 - 4th year 1928-1929 - 5th year 1929-1930 - 6th year 1930-1931 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (2nd week of yrs) 1931-1932 - 1st year in new cycle 1932-1933 - 2nd year 1933-1934 - 3rd year 1934-1935 - 4th year 1935-1936 - 5th year 1936-1937 - 6th year 1937-1938 - 7th year- Sabbath yr of previous cycle (3rd week of yrs) 1938-1939 - 1st year in new cycle 1939-1940 - 2nd year 1940-1941 - 3rd year 1941-1942 - 4th year 1942-1943 - 5th year 1943-1944 - 6th year 1944-1945 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (4th week of yrs) 1945-1946 - 1st year in new cycle * WWII ends August 15, 1945 * The post WW II / Holocaust message was clear: the only future for the Jewish survivors was to be found in their ancient homeland. Only in their own Sovereign State would the Jews be safe. Just as Moses had led the ancient Hebrews out of Egypt, the Zionist leadership was to take them out of Europe. The birth of the Jewish Nation (for the 2nd time) was AT HAND! 1946-1947 - 2nd year 1947-1948 - 3rd year * May 14, 1948 State of Israel declared by U.N. vote. (See previous mathematical equation for Predicted Date of Israels Return) 1948-1949 - 4th year 1949-1950 - 5th year 1950-1951 - 6th year 1951-1952 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (5th week of yrs) 1952-1953 - 1st year in new cycle 1953-1954 - 2nd year 1954-1955 - 3rd year 1955-1956 - 4th year 1956-1957-- 5th year 1957-1958 -- 6th year 1958-1959 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (6th week of yrs) 1959-1960 - 1st year in new cycle 1960-1961 - 2nd year 1961-1962 - 3rd year 1962-1963 - 4th year 1963-1964 - 5th year 1964-1965 - 6th year 1965-1966 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (7th week of yrs = 49 years) 1966-1967 - 1st year in new cycle - Jubilee - 50th Year * Israel captures Jerusalem in June 1967 Six Day War * Lesson of The Fig Tree Israel....born in a day, grew leaves, matured at 19 years of age and reunified Jerusalem....this is the generation which will NOT pass away, as did the generation (20 years of age and upward) of the Exodus before they could enter the Promised Land. THIS generation will enter the Kingdom on Earth! * Notice: Jerusalem was captured in 1917 AND 1967 - BOTH Jubilee Years! We are beginning to see a Jubilee pattern in the last days since the dry bones (Israel) resurrected and re-entered the Covenanted Land. 1967-1968 - 2nd year 1968-1969 - 3rd year 1969-1970 - 4th year 1970-1971 - 5th year 1971-1972 - 6th year 1972-1973 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (1st week of yrs) 1973-1974 - 1st year in new cycle * October 6-25, 1973 Yom Kippur War 1974-1975 - 2nd year 1975-1976 - 3rd year 1976-1977 - 4th year 1977-1978 - 5th year 1978-1979 - 6th year 1979-1980 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (2nd week of yrs) 1980-1981 - 1st year in new cycle 1981-1982 - 2nd year 1982-1983 - 3rd year 1983-1984 - 4th year 1984-1985 - 5th year 1985-1986 - 6th year 1986-1987 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (3rd week of yrs) 1987-1988 - 1st year in new cycle 1988-1989 - 2nd year 1989-1990 - 3rd year 1990-1991 - 4th year 1991-1992 - 5th year 1992-1993 - 6th year 1993-1994 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (4th week of yrs) * Oslo Accords (Land for Peace) signed on Sept. 13, 1993 and presented to the world ON Rosh HaShanah Sept. 16, 1993. * Oslo was a Rehearsal for the 70th Week because the 70th Week will also begin with a Land Agreement - confirming the (Abrahamic) Covenant. * Oslo was signed in a Sabbath year belonging to the previous Sabbatical cycle, therefore it was outside (before) the beginning of the new Sabbatical cycle which would begin the Three Weeks of Jacobs Trouble. It was also outside (before) the ending of the 6th Day/6,000 yrs in the year 2000/Hebrew year of 5760. * Therefore, Oslo is the lead-in rehearsal to The THREE WEEKS of JACOBS TROUBLE (three sets of 7 years (777) totaling 21 years following the 3 chapters of Jacobs Trouble in Genesis 29, 30, 31.) * Analogy > * Jacob desired Rachel and contracted with Laban to labor for 7 years for her hand in marriage. But Laban deceived Jacob and lied to him, for he had no intention of giving his younger daughter before the eldest. * Israel desired Peace and contracted negotiations with Arafat & the PLO for the next 7 years; but Yassar Arafat had no intention of agreeing to peace with Israel and had, in fact, even refused to remove from the PLO Charter the written intention to annihilate Israel. 1993-2000 was 7 years of a lied-to-agreement. 1994-1995 - 1st year in new cycle 1995-1996 - 2nd year 1996-1997 - 3rd year 1997-1998 - 4th year 1998-1999 - 5th year 1999-2000 - 6th year 2000-2001 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (5th week of yrs) * Israels Rabbis declare the end of 6,000 yrs according to the Hebrew calendar. * 6th day ends, 7th day begins. The 7th Day is the Last Day / the Sabbath Day / the Lords Day. It is also the same as Hoseas 3rd Day...and in the third day He will raise us up. * Israeli Rabbis announce: We have entered The Time of Jacobs Trouble (which Israel/Jacob will be saved out of.) 2001-2002 - 1st year in new cycle * FIRST WEEK OF JACOBS TROUBLE * Intifada begins - On September 28, 2000, just after dawn, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon enters the Temple Mount. He states I came here with a message of peace. * Analogy: Jacob had come to Laban in peace, and agreed to labor for 7 years for the desire of his heart (Rachel/Peace) but it had been a lied-to-agreement. But so strong was his love for Rachel/Peace that even after being deceived, he agrees to labor ANOTHER 7 YEARS in order to acquire the desire of his heart, but is instead, subjected to much trouble. * The Arab Intifada (uprising) breaks out amid false atrocities and instigation upon Israel. For the remainder of this Sabbatical cycle, Israel will experience terror, suicide bombers, bus bombings, etc. at the hands of Esaus descendants, the Arab Palestinians. 2002-2003 - 2nd year 2003-2004 - 3rd year 2004-2005 - 4th year 2005-2006 - 5th year 2006-2007 - 6th year 2007-2008 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (6th week of yrs) * Sabbath year begins quietly. * The Sabbath year 2007-2008, before the start of the new Sabbatical cycle & 2nd Week of Jacobs Trouble, was indeed a QUIETer year than the previous 6 yrs primarily due to Israels completion of the Fence (and in some areas Wall separating Arab & Jewish settlements) which prevented suicide bombers and terrorists from crossing into Jewish villages.) * Analogy: Jacob had now completed 14 years of laboring in Labans household, working to marry Labans daughters. He was now no longer under contract and during this quiet year Rachel conceived & bare Joseph, after which Jacob considered going home to his own country. But Laban asks him to tarry and he will pay whatever wages he wants. Jacob considers the offer and accepts, turning his attention to his economy - building wealth & an inheritance from Labans flocks & herds. 2008-2009 - 1st year in new cycle * SECOND WEEK OF JACOBS TROUBLE * At the very start of the new Sabbatical cycle & 2nd Week of Jacobs Trouble, global attention focuses on the economy (just as the analogy shows Jacob had turned his attention to his economy) because on Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 29, 2008 the Stock Exchange crashes at 777.68 (Three sevens plus .68 for the Hebrew year 5768.) Personally, I consider this was a heads-up warning from God that on Rosh Hashanah 5768 we had entered the exact middle seven of the three sevens that herald the LAST DAYS....or > 7x7x7=21 years) = 1994 + 21 = 2015. * Barack Hussein Obama elected President, giving him a seat of power and possibly setting the stage for the coming antichrist....perhaps through his campaign agenda of Hope & Change/Yes We Can which would (and is well on the way to) cause the demise of the United States of America (possibly one of the reasons the U.S. is not seen as a world power in the last days.) 2009-2010 - 2nd year 2010-2011 - 3rd year 2011-2012 - 4th year 2012-2013 - 5th year 2013-2014 - 6th year BLOOD MOON TETRADS * (Head of biblical year) Nisan 1, 5774......April 1, 2014 * Passover lunar eclipse on......................April 15-16, 2014 * Solar eclipse on....................................April 29, 2014 2014-2015 - 7th year - Sabbath yr of previous cycle (7th week of yrs = 49 years) BLOOD MOON TETRADS * (Head of civil year) Tishri 1, 5774......Sept. 25-26, 2014 * Tabernacles lunar eclipse on............Oct. 9, 2014 * Solar eclipse on..............................Oct. 23, 2014 2015-2016 - 1st year in new cycle - Jubilee - 50th Year * I believe that on the eve of Rosh HaShanah, September 13, 2015, during the darkness of the new moon, at the very start of a new Sabbatical cycle and a Jubilee Year, the full number of Gentiles will have come in and the Church Age of Grace will end, and the Resurrection of the dead-in-Christ and the Rapture/Translation of the living believers will take place, fulfilling the first Fall Feast, the Feast of Trumpets....and it will happen at the very Last Trump - the longest and loudest of the 100 that are sounded at that time. * Regardless of what the proponents of the heretical Replacement Theology teach, God is not finished with Israel. He will bring them to Redemption in the last/70th Week. But He will first bring the Church Age of Grace to a close at the Resurrection & Rapture of all Believers and then turn His full attention to Israel, His Glory! And He will cleanse the earth of the spilled blood of the innocent by requiring the blood of the guilty in the 7th Seal blood judgments of the 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls. THIS is what the 70th Week is for! finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Dan. 9:24) The Lord is now preparing to set the captives free! * THIRD WEEK OF JACOBS TROUBLE BEGINS * THE 70TH WEEK OF DANIEL BEGINS * It is the JUBILEE YEAR that begins the countdown to the end of Jacobs Trouble and the redemption of Israel by the Second Coming of the Messiah. * ISRAEL AND THE WORLD NOW ENTER THE DAY OF THE LORD! It may be helpful to think of these next 7 years 2015-2022 as one complete day, or evening & morning = the night Jacob wrestles with the Lord, and in the morning Jacob lifts up his eyes to see the reconciliation with his brother Esau. But much will take place during that evening & morning constituting The DAY of the Lord before Israels reconciliation & redemption takes place. * Comparing the analogy in Genesis with this last Sabbatical year of the 2nd Week of Jacobs Trouble, we see that Jacob has finally left Laban and he is on his way home. We know that God is watching over him because the angels of God met him as he left Laban behind and went on his way. (The archangel Michael is the chief angel over Israel and his warrior angels are accompanying Jacob and his family on their way home. Michael guards Gods chosen people. This is necessary for Jacob is about to tremble and wrestle with God....and he will prevail. * Night begins to fall and Jacob makes the best preparations (the IDF) that he can to provide for his familys safety against Esau, but he is wary and afraid. He goes to bed but gets back up and divides his family into 2 separate camps so as to preserve at least a remnant if they are attacked. (This can be seen even in the recent Gaza War - Jacobs strategy is to move his people back from the borders and create a buffer zone for their safety.) Satisfied as much as he can be, Jacob was left alone. * Alone indeed, even now, Jacob is experiencing an expotential rise in worldwide anti-semitism.....again. Jacob is condemned for defending himself. Jacob has no true allies anymore. He is alone and the night is upon him. * I believe by this coming Spring, Jacob will be faced with fulfilling the Battles of Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17, where he will finally subdue Esaus decendants (the Palestinians) and Damascus will become a heap of ruins. These enemies are never mentioned again in context with the coming Battle of Ezekiel 38/ Gog & Magog (the hooks in the jaws, bringing Russia & Iran down upon Israel to plunder and take a spoil.) * But until the Battle of Ezekiel 38, Jacob is still secular, meaning, as a Nation, they have never truly acknowledged and honored the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. But after the Battle of Ezekiel, Israel will just have witnessed & experienced Gods deliverance from their certain annilhilation. And so Jacob wrestles (spiritually) with the Angel of the Lord - he doesnt let go - he wrestles to understand this supernatural intervention & deliverance when he had been left alone in the world, and Jacob finally recognizes the God of his fathers who delivered him and he asks the man to bless him before he will release Him. Jacob is renamed Israel because he has prevailed; and Israel once again becomes Gods people and God says He will again be their God. * NOW Israel is prepared to enter his last Week as per Daniel 9:24 - Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy people and upon the holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to annoint the most Holy. And so the 70th Week begins. 1st year of the 70th Week * Israel has once again turned back to God in recognition of His deliverance and now calls for their Temple to be built so they can return (nationally) to their Old Testament Covenant Worship of God: offering sacrifices once again. They do not yet know their Messiah but when He returns the second time they will finally understand when they SEE Him. * The as-yet-unrevealed-antichrist confirms the covenant with Israel and the many (nations) paving the way for the building of the temple. * BLOOD MOON TETRADS * Solar eclipse on........................March 20, 2015 * (Head of biblical year) Nisan 1, 5775.....March 21, 2015 * Passover lunar eclipse on..............................April 4-5, 2015 * BLOOD MOON TETRADS * Solar eclipse on........................Sept. 13, 2015 * (Head of civil year) Tishri 1, 5775............Sept. 14-15, 2015 * Tabernacles lunar eclipse on.......................Sept. 28, 2015 * This is the last of the Blood Moon Tetrads of 2014-2015. 2016-2017 - 2nd year of the 70th Week 2017-2018 - 3rd year of the 70th Week 2018-2019 - 4th year of the 70th Week - mid-point of 70th Week The Great Tribulation (time, times, & half a time - 3 1/2 years - 42 months - 1260 days) If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive. Matthew 24:22 * Feb. 13, 2019 is 1335 days from the last great day - the 8th day of Tabernacles, Oct. 18, 2022 when the Kingdom shall begin. Daniel 12:12 states: Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. This is the promise to those who will have to endure the Great Tribulation which is about to begin. * 70th Week began Sept. 14, 2015 + 1260 days = Feb. 25, 2019 ends 1st half, or 1260 days/first 3-1/2 years, of the 70th Week. * The Great Tribulation (2nd half of the 70th Week) begins * there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour and then the 7th Seal (Gods Wrath) is opened * Before the 7 Trumpet judgments sound, there is a ceremony at the Altar of Incense: prayers of the saints mixed with incense is flung to the earth. This is symbolic of the ceremony on Yom Kippur. * Daily Sacrifice Taken Away (1290th day) & Abomination is set up - March 25,2019 2019-2020 - 5th year of the 70th Week * The Two Witnesses having begun their 1260 day ministry likely on Nisan 10 - the 1st day of the inspection of the Lambs/April 18, 2016, their ministry ends on the eve of Feast of Trumpets, Sept. 30, 2019. * Two Witnesses killed (Rev. 11:7-12), lie dead for 3 1/2 days, & are resurrected on Oct. 4, 2019 2020-2021 - 6th year of the 70th Week 2021-2022 - 7th year of the 70th Week - SABBATH YEAR of the 70th Week The Lord of the Sabbath returns on the Sabbath! Jesus Christs Second Coming - fulfilled on the 2nd Fall Feast The Day of Atonement / Yom Kippur * The Feast of Tabernacles is from October 10-16, with the 8th great day on October 17, 2022 --- the Third and Last Fall Feast will be fulfilled and the Millennial Kingdom will commence! * Keep in mind as you read this timeline, that these things must begin in a Jubilee Year in order to accomplish the cleansing, atoning, and reclaiming of all of Creation, including the Redemption of Gods people, the Jews. It will be a 7 year process.....and if this coming new Sabbatical cycle and Jubilee Year of 2015-2016 does not start that process, then we must wait another 50 years! IMPOSSIBLE!, given the state of the planet now. So lets keep watching, preparing our hearts and spirits to receive our salvation which the Lord is about to perform! Shalom, sherry vance~ Until.....see you there!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:00:24 +0000

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