Sherry Yates has nominated me to list 10 books I have read that - TopicsExpress


Sherry Yates has nominated me to list 10 books I have read that have been an influence on my life. It spans over a long time, and it required alot of thought as I think I probably have read thousands of books in my time.. 1. To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee) 2. Gone With The Wind (Margaret Mitchell) 3. Nights in the Garden of Spain (Witi Ihimaera) 4. Vanity Fair (William Thackeray) 5. The Power of One (Bryce Courtenay) 6. Shantanaram (Gregory David Roberts) 7. Making History (Donna Taart) 8. The March of Folly - from Troy to Vietnam (Barbara Tuchman) 9. The Fatal Shore (Robert Hughes) 10. The Holocaust (Martin Gilbert) And as I could not keep this to an even 10 even if I tried Faces In The Water (Janet Frame) I nominate Nedra Pickering Shona Duncan Carly E Taia Karl McConnell Donna Cotton Louise Mearns and Nicole Aldridge to list the top 10 books that have influenced their lives. Thank you for your participation, but feel no obligation.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:04:13 +0000

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