Shia and Sunnis are brothers in Islam and it is very important - TopicsExpress


Shia and Sunnis are brothers in Islam and it is very important that all Muslims work for unity in the house of Islam.Sectarian extremism is one of the greatest threat Islam is facing today and the enemy is exploiting this to the maximum. The enemy is one and united but unfortunately Muslims are divided and some elements who pretend to be Muslims are fanning the flame of discord and disunity with-in Muslims. The enemy incites sectarian tensions to weakened the unity of Muslims which is most essential today considering the many threats and challengies the Muslim world faces today. The case of Wahhabis is a special case because Wahhabism was created by the British colonialist to destroy the unity of Muslims.That is why you will never see any Wahhabi calling for the unity of Muslims,unity of Muslims is totally against the fundamentals of the Wahhabi cult. Muslims should be awakened,Muslims should be aware that if a dispute or war occures between Muslims it is the house of Islam that will burn.It is Muslims that will be destroyed....
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 05:36:12 +0000

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