Shifting Gears Initiative (S.G.I.) The opening to this program - TopicsExpress


Shifting Gears Initiative (S.G.I.) The opening to this program will start with the “Pill Scene” from the movie the Matrix. https://youtube/watch?v=zQ1_IbFFbzA The discussion begins with a clear understanding that what the individuals in taking this initiative will be the truth. I may very well challenge their beliefs, concepts, false ideas of the world and the people around them and push them out of their established comfort zone. This course is not for children it is for men and women that feel stuck in their lives and would like some insight on how they might get it moving in the right direction again. The individuals in the course will be expected to participate in order to get the most out of the material, and get used to the feeling of breaking patterns of habit and gaining the courage to try new things. The first step in this journey is to actually start loving ones self. This may look obvious on the face of it, but in reality it is much more complicated than it first appears, and for many reasons some of which will be made clear in the beginning. Many people today suffer from emotional trauma, they have been betrayed, cheated, lied to, abused and robbed of their innocence. Getting to the love that is underneath all those wounds is a process, and a necessary step in the right direction. Many people want to feel love inside but instead feel numb. The reason for this numbness is because of the many layers of past emotional experiences that block our access to the love deep within us. We are all worthy of love and long to experience the depths of love, we intuitively know exists within us. The problem is that until we delve into the emotional matrix and release this trauma from our subtle body the toxic emotions, pain, fear and trauma, we will never get to the love. It is the entrance into the underworld, where the mythological hero must enter, if he is ever to regain the light for his tormented soul. It is our birthright to live life to our fullest potential, with a deep love and being connected to all living things, especially to each other. This holistic approach to healing our inner wounds and getting in touch with the love that is the natural state of our own inner being is the greatest gift one can give to themselves. You just have to love yourself enough to believe you are worth it. This is something one needs to keep in mind as we work our way through the material of this initiative. Now lets take a look at a short video that speaks to this issue. https://youtube/watch?v=707H8kSK7i8 Making the decision to shift gears in your life, to change the direction of your life through your power and intention, is where we need to be to start this initiative. Lets take a few of these points from the video and break them down so that we can be sure we are getting the message that is being conveyed. One of the points that was made is that we have been robbed of our knowledge about our connection to the world around us and the relationships we have with others. To elaborate on this a moment whole civilizations have been wiped out in order for the elites to hoard this within their secret societies and covert organizations so that they can manipulate and control others. This knowledge has been hidden from you, and in its place they have empowered certain organizations and leaders who they want to control others as part of a plan to have total control of everything on the planet. I only said this would be the truth, I didnt say you would like it, or have to like it. They do not want people to know the kind of power that exists within them instead they want you when you are having doubts to go to their chosen leaders and manipulators so they can channel your life into serving their interests. This initiative is not about more of the same bullshit! This is about freeing your mind and helping you to realize the hidden potential within you. When most people hear the word responsibility they unconsciously feel that is associated with a tremendous burden. That is by design but again it couldnt be further from the truth. Let us look at the word closely. Responsibility may be broken apart to respond ability or more correctly your ability to respond. It is your ability to take action! When you say you dont want to take responsibility for something, what you are doing in effect is giving away your power to respond, and putting it in the hands of someone else, this is a subtle and deceptive way of getting control over others. If people feel the pressure of responsibility they will be more inclined to give away their power so someone else can tell you how you should live your life, use your energy and your resources. That is a big part of why you have so little of them, you have been continuously robbed. Another point is that when we hang onto anger, resentment, guilt, hate, jealously, or other negative emotions we are telling the universe that we want more of the same. We are asking for situations, people, and events that will give us reason to continue with our negative beliefs, and we lock ourselves into a negative spiral into further suffering and conflict. What he said is that we need to take the feelings out and bless them. That doesnt mean that we are somehow acknowledging that what was done to us was acceptable or valid. What anyone did against you, they have also done against themselves and will have to pay for it in the future; that is the universal law. What it means is that you take the unconscious pain, wrongs, betrayals, and all the anger, hate, resentments that you harbour and bring them into the light of your awareness, and dont judge them one way or the other. Simply acknowledge them, bless them and acknowledge to yourself that it is time to let them go, that they no longer have any useful purpose in your life. They have caused you enough grief by having to carry them, it is now time to let them go. That is one way to consciously process these painful memories, they reason we want to get them out of the way is because they are in the way of accessing our potential and expressing ourselves in creative and intimate ways. They rob us of our happiness, our vitality and drive us in the wrong direction and down the wrong roads often into the ditch of addiction. Trying to do anything in life with a ton of unresolved emotional conflicts is like driving with the brakes on. https://youtube/watch?v=3sW6V1si2n4 We have been lead to believe that our emotions are unimportant. That is a lie! Our emotions have true value, it is the material things in life that have been given a false value they do not deserve and it is creating many problems that need to be addressed. The next video will start to deepen your understanding of the importance of your emotions and the power of your subconscious mind. One must get this power working in their favour and not allow it to work against themselves. This is vitally important in getting the motivation and energy to move forward. https://youtube/watch?v=kMNaPmmuHCs This is the great secret, the key to unlocking the prison of emotional confusion that has haunted you for so long. This is level one material yet it is as profound as some of the things that will be revealed and practised in other levels. One of the ways we can get to the subconscious and reprogram that software without the harder work that is involved at the other levels of the shifting gears initiative is to use videos that have been specifically designed to address the issues we need to change in ourselves so that we will start to feel better about our self esteem and heal some of the pain that influences our mind and decisions without our even being aware of it. I am going to list three videos, they will be linked below. These three videos should be used at least once a day for a month. As the unconscious software starts to change your outer reality will start to reflect those inner changes. Just as a movie projector casts a movie on the screen in a theatre your soul casts an inner light which goes through the filters of your unconscious mind; coloured by all the beliefs, feelings, fears, right or wrong and then casts that movie called you life, into the world and it gets reflected back to you as your experiences. So to get a fair chance at changing all the unconscious software that exists within us we will use these positive videos to help facilitate that change. Most of our programming happened before we ever developed the intelligence or discrimination to question what was being used to influence us. Now you can view these videos and see if they are something that you are interested in using. It is offered simply as a tool and not some ulterior motive to exploit you, but a an aid to help you overcome some of the inner obstacles that undermine our best efforts at changing our reality. Release the Past Heal Trauma https://youtube/watch?v=AZxr1yJ-WU0 Increase self love subliminal https://youtube/watch?v=J8daSV1hfPU Love yourself https://youtube/watch?v=kMNaPmmuHCs First take the time to watch each of them and decide if it is something you might want to work with. If you do give them a chance to work, by using them daily for a month or more. They help to break up the habitual thought patterns that keep us acting in the same way. Instead of driving down the freeway heading to some events that we want to enjoy,of to a friends or family members place we keep going around in circles in the city usually in the wrong parts of town. You know the story better than anyone. So this is your responsibility, or your ability to respond, to take charge of this vehicle and get it moving in the right direction. Empower yourself!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:32:05 +0000

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