Shifting Self Development I’m very happy that you have found - TopicsExpress


Shifting Self Development I’m very happy that you have found yourself here, reading these very words, on this self development blog. The type of person that is drawn to this website is what I call Seekers. What is a Seeker you might ask? A Seeker is a person that has a deep seated longing, deep with inside them. A longing to feel complete, to feel whole, to feel happiness, not because of someone or something outside of them, but because we choose to. Most of the time, Seekers have had brief encounters with this feeling of wholeness, of completeness and these encounters are what have sent them on their quest. A quest to find themselves, to find this happiness that comes from within them. Sometimes people have never felt these moments, but they have seen others that look happy, that have what they think will make them happy. Yet they themselves find it very difficult to have or accomplish these things, so they become seekers. Looking for the answer, for riches, fame, love, for whatever it is they believe will give them this happiness, they believe other people have. For whatever reason, you have found yourself here in the self development world looking for the answers, seeking to fill that nagging void that we all feel, when we are alone, with nothing to do and nowhere to be. I found myself in both of these positions at different times in my life. My childhood left a lot to be desired. Let’s just say my parents probably went to the same child raising school as yours did. Well I found myself on the streets trying to just to survive when I was 15 years old. Because of this and my childhood that belongs within a book, I developed many self defeating beliefs or limiting beliefs. No wonder, I found it almost impossible to have and live the type of life I wanted to. I would look at the people around me, that had the things I wanted, a good job, a nice car, their own home, a beautiful mate. They could do the things they wanted to do and yet I was barely making it, living pay check to pay check and sometimes not having anything. Then I happen to stumble across the self development industry. I read my first motivational book and I was psyched, yes I can do it. I can get the high paying job that I loved to do, I can get that new car, I can buy my first house, I can have a healthy relationship with someone that I loved and they would love me back. I could be happy too. I mean if other people could do it then why not me. Well I fell flat on my face, but I was determined. I got back up dust myself off and went for it again and fell flat on my face again and again and yet again. I don’t know if it was because I was determined or just to stupid to realize. Then it happen, I was always into martial arts, so I was constantly looking for a teacher to teach me how to meditate, to be able to feel and move my chi or what I call energy. Even though no matter how much I looked and how many books I read ( yes this was before the internet ) I could not find someone to teach me. Then I finally found a book and tried the techniques inside the book and bam I felt my energy, well a little bit, but I felt it. So began my quest to find a teacher, which I did and not only found one but many great teachers. This is where I changed from just being pig headed and not giving up, from just believing if they could do it so could I, to having a peak experience. I don’t know if you know what I’m talking about, but when you have one of these experiences everything else is pale in comparisons. Your whole life becomes, how can I experience that again. After all if we did it once, why can’t we do it again and even further, why can’t we live our whole life from this level of experience. I became a learning machine reading, listening, watching everything I could get my hands on. Traveling around the world looking in the furthest, darkest parts, for the next secret to unlock this seemingly secret world of happiness and feelings of contempt for life in general. I study advance meditations, yoga, tai chi, psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, NLP, Hypnosis, gestalt therapy, even physics, anatomy and physiology, and all 5 of the major religions to find the answer. In the end I found the answer, but it was closer than I ever thought and you’ll find it in the same spot, with inside the very essence of your own being. I had to take all the things I was learning and throw them away and look at my own experiences. If the technique or tool I was learning helped me to look deeper inside myself I kept it and used it. I end up learning and developing my own tools and techniques to accomplish this and the results are remarkable, to say the least. You can feel happy, all the time; you can feel the connection that binds us all together, as a real and tangible thing and not just a figurative metaphor. You can have healthy relationships, money, a fit healthy body and everything you could ever want. Let me give you the first requirement you have to let go of all those things. Yes that’s right, I did say you can have them, but unless you are happy right now, you will not allow yourself to have them. You must first learn to be happy right in this very moment for the sake of just being alive, to unlock the tremendous power, laying deep inside you, to have everything you could ever want. Here is the science, so you know I’m the real deal and not just blowing smoke up your, you know what, with a bunch of feel good words. The trick is learning to communicate with our unconscious mind. When we feel down, depressed, or just feel like life isn’t going the way we want it. In general, just unhappy, we start telling our selves, only if. Only if I had a better high paying job I would be happy, Only if I had that new car I would be happy, Only if I was with that beautiful girlfriend or boyfriend I would be happy or whatever we tell ourselves. This is the same reason I could not achieve what I wanted to, back in the day, when I thought these things would make me happy. You see we are telling our unconscious mind that we don’t want to be happy unless we achieve this or that. At the same time we are also telling our unconscious mind that we really don’t want to be happy even if by some chance we do achieve whatever it is we tell ourselves. It is so easy for our unconscious mind to make us feel happy, it is a natural state for us to be in. If you look at children younger then 4 or 5 they are naturally happy not sometimes, not once in a while, but all the time and if they do get mad for some reason all you have to do is distract them and they go straight back to being happy. Only after we develop the conscious mind do we learn to be unhappy. So the unconscious mind doesn’t understand that we don’t know to be happy it thinks we want to be unhappy and our unconscious mind wants to give us what we want. We have all experience when we thought we would be happy only if we got that higher paying job or get that relationship with that beautiful girl or boy. Then we get it and….. We soon forget that we thought we would be happy. Now we have more responsibility with the higher paying job, we have less time, we have to manage people that don’t listen to us, we end up spending more money so again we run into that all so familiar feeling that we don’t have enough. We find ourselves in that relationship and soon find ourselves longing for freedom or wait better yet a better boyfriend, girlfriend and so on. We forget that we told ourselves that only if…..then we would be happy. Yes you can have anything and everything you want, but it is not going to bring you happiness. Happiness is a nature state for you, you just have to learn how to feel it. Happiness is a skill that you can develop and is the key for you getting all these other things that you might believe will make you happy. If this even sounds remotely true then I invite you to join me as we take a journey. At the heart of self development is a journey of self discovery. If this sound like a bunch of bull crap then just click the back button and I wish you luck in your journey. I know not everybody will be ready for this and sometimes I get very technical, because of my background in science. Were as I do believe in giving you motivation and inspirations, I also believe in giving you tools and techniques to help you in this magical journey of self discovery and self development. So when your ready to join us, click on the sign up button and join us on the inside.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 03:17:32 +0000

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