Shiloh 2014, day 4. Evening session. Preacher: Bishop David - TopicsExpress


Shiloh 2014, day 4. Evening session. Preacher: Bishop David Oyedepo Topic: Heralding the Era of Heaven on Earth Heaven on earth is Gods grand design for us in redemption. Light is the only way to dominate in the realms of darkness . We are illuminated to dominate our world. When you are lighted,you become indestructible. When you are illuminated,your dominion becomes unquestionable . You need a crave to move from the realm of revelation to illumination. My dominion is domiciled in illumination. Light does not advise darkness to step back. Arrival of light will always end the harassment of darkness. You cant live in the heavenly realm by mere light but by illumination . Only the illuminated can command dominion. Information, revelation ,illumination is the highest in the order. Information is what is traded in the academics. Among the major feature of heaven is unfathomable splendor . Heaven remains the epitome of financial fortune. Revelation 21:14. Poverty is not an asset to securing eternity with Christ. The era of heaven on earth is the era of financial fortune on earth. Isaiah 60:22. Genesis 47:15-25 economic downturn has been existing right from the biblical period. Matthew 24:7-8. You cant pray off a prophetic agenda,but u can seek exemption. Romans 2:28. Malachi 4:1-2. You are what you think. 2 kings 6:24-30. Think exemption and engage in the demand of exemption. Malachi 3: 6-8 . Financial fortune can only be activated on the platform of covenant practice. Gods agenda will run,with or without man. Financial fortune is Gods agenda for the end time church. Zechariah 1:17. Covenant practice is Gods platform to operate in financial fortune . Deuteronomy 8:18. Romans 10:12. Exodus 9:1-7 ,10:21-23. The anchor of that covenant is giving. Be a distributor not just a possessor . Numbers 23:8. Divine fortune transcends generations. A covenant is a spiritual platform where we commit God by our obedience in faith to make good His promise. The returns of this covenant covers all areas of our lives . God will never need what you have but will always need God to give u what He has. PLATFORMS THAT ENTITLES US TO FINANCIAL FORTUNE. 1. As a seed of a Abraham u are entitled to financial fortune. 2. The redemption platform. 2 Corinthians 8:9. Only those who think good works will command financial fortune. Dont think of what to accumulate but what to bless the world with. 3. As an end time saint,financial fortune is your portion . Malachi 4:1-2 The covenant of giving and receiving imparts all areas of our lives. Numbers 23:8. - Giving engenders divine health. John. 15:2 ,Psalm 42:1-3. Any time you receive the truth,you are empowered to live its content Think others and you will emerge a leader. Think of opportunity to bless humanity.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:03:52 +0000

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