Shine your Light I think most of us older generation remember - TopicsExpress


Shine your Light I think most of us older generation remember what this was like ?( Two way Radios mounted in your cars talking back a forth, I have always been interested in Electronics, Took a course in Electronics, Started Fixing them and made a little extra each Month,While talking on the CB , Meet a Man named Larry a Contractor, He ask me if I would come to work for him ! So we meet and for several years did work for him , We did Construction work and he opened a Store also where he sold the radios (CB) As time went on we became friends Never giving a Thought to winning him over to the Lord! I was getting pretty good at repairs and there were a few times they had taken their radios to bigger shops and they were unable to fix them, It was then my shop started growing! I would ask the Lord when I got stumped with one and God would show me the problem! So I began to get a reputation as a Good repairman! Jesus has always wanted us to be ask him so he can be a bigger part of our lives . Meet a Lot of people I would never have come in contact with through Larry , I always put the Lord first in every instance , I pray over every meal , Just a short verbal Thank you Lord for this food and Bless this fellowship today( when others were around I would add the fellowship part) Always thankful always mindful of Gods love for me, And mine for him ! One day out of the blue Larry asked me what church I went to he said he had been watching me for some time and he and his wife had been talking about going to Church , This is how you present yourself to the masses with your Love for the Lord and Others to , to show the Love and compassion for them and being a witness that God can use he will draw them to you for they will see Jesus though your Life! At times I would see a cashier looking down or almost crying when I would be be in a check out lane at a store , I would ask if they would like prayer ? Prayer doesnt have to be a long drawn out ordeal ! Jesus knows what you are asking for and starts s soon as you ask , even before you are finished he has already begun the healing or deliverance ! John 12:32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me . Who Else is worthy to be Lifted Up? But Jesus Christ! Come unto him all that are weak and heavy Laden and he will give you rest! Matt 5:16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. The Word of God tells us what will happen to those we do not reach ! They will take part in the Lake of fire ! Come while there is still time to the Lord of Lords and King Of Kings The Lord Jesus Christ ! Deut 4:24 For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God. You must put the Lord first in All things! Then you will be first with him! And the Lord says Come while there is still time Acts 2:38 Repent , be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ , ask the Lord for the infilling of the Holy Ghost and Power. Let us Pray, Father of all creation , we come to you for guidance, to let or lights shine that others may see and desire what we have in you, teach us to stand stead fast in the way of your Word. Guide us Lord in to all things new ever pressing towards the mark of the high calling of the Kingdom of God, Help us Lord stir our hearts to reach the highest calling , in Jesus name
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 18:12:38 +0000

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